
#78 Post stacking failure

v2.9 (2)

I can't get lynkeos to give me a full image after aligning "full image" then"analyzing" then finally "stacking the images.
I start with 80% of the moon (in this case) and when the final stage completes it only gives the "9:00 to 12:00 quadrant of the original image.
Lynkeos v 2.9
macbook pro retina 15 inch
Mac os x 10.9.3 2.6 GHz intel i7 16 GB 1.6 GHz DDR3

1 Attachments


Bugs: #78


  • Jean-Etienne LAMIAUD

    • labels: --> v2.9
    • status: open --> pending
    • assigned_to: Jean-Etienne LAMIAUD
    • Version: v2.5 --> v2.10
    • Tim.n

      Tim.n - 2014-08-20

      I went with the standard alignment square on a small crater, then stacked the entire image, and it would only produce a quarter of the image.
      There would never show any error, as far as lynkeos was concerned it did the process just fine, even though 75% of the image was not processed.

      On Aug 20, 2014, at 1:28 PM, Jean-Etienne LAMIAUD wrote:

      labels: --> v2.9
      status: open --> pending
      assigned_to: Jean-Etienne LAMIAUD
      Version: v2.5 --> v2.10
      Some more information would be needed to state on this bug, or at least try to reproduce it :

      what is the size of the images being processed,
      what is the format of these images, and their source,
      what are the sizes of the align square, analysis square, stacking rectangle,
      what stacking options were used (method, "double size" ? ...)
      Please also attach a log recorded when this bug appears (cf. Troubleshooting).

      [bugs:#78] Post stacking failure

      Status: pending
      Version: v2.10
      Labels: v2.9
      Created: Sat Jun 21, 2014 12:05 AM UTC by Tim.n
      Last Updated: Sat Jun 21, 2014 12:05 AM UTC
      Owner: Jean-Etienne LAMIAUD

      I can't get lynkeos to give me a full image after aligning "full image" then"analyzing" then finally "stacking the images.
      I start with 80% of the moon (in this case) and when the final stage completes it only gives the "9:00 to 12:00 quadrant of the original image.
      Lynkeos v 2.9
      macbook pro retina 15 inch
      Mac os x 10.9.3 2.6 GHz intel i7 16 GB 1.6 GHz DDR3

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      Bugs: #78

  • Jean-Etienne LAMIAUD

    Some more information would be needed to state on this bug, or at least try to reproduce it :

    • what is the size of the images being processed,
    • what is the format of these images, and their source,
    • what are the sizes of the align square, analysis square, stacking rectangle,
    • what stacking options were used (method, "double size" ? ...)

    Please also attach a log recorded when this bug appears (cf. Troubleshooting).

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-12-11

    I am having the same problem with Mac 10.10, the original images are like 600x800 but still will only show 25% of the final stack

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-01-16

    Wondering if this is a retina problem - also have the same issue

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-01-26

    Mac OS X 10.9.5
    PowerBook 2.8 GHz Core i5
    16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
    Lynkeos September 13, 2014: V2.10 release

    Source Files: 20 files; 5184x3456 16 bit RGB; JPG; 3.8 MB each
    Stacked Image: 4900x3150; 16 bit RGB; TIFF; 92.7 MB
    Mode: Standard
    Result: Upper left corner only

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2017-12-04

    I have the same problem with my MacBook Pro Retina late 2013, and I think this is cause by the retina display because when I try on an external monitor it just works fine.
    So for instance the solution is tu use an external monitor, or we need a trick to use Lynkeos as a non-retina software.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2017-12-04

    I fine a solution for retina displays, 1 clic on the icone of Lynkeos, then cmd + i and you tick "open in low resolution".
    It become uggly but it works.

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2018-09-30

      This solution solved the problem. Thanks !!

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2018-09-01

    Bonjour, I have the same problem with my MacBook Pro Retina High sierra v10.13.6. After accumulation, I see only the upper left quarter of the image, whatever the size of the allignment and analysis square and whatever the shape of the accumulation rectangle. It is also independent of all parameters used earlier in the alignment and calibration process, and whether or not I use dark and flat frames.
    Can you help please?
    best regards,

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2018-09-27

    I had the same issue. The opening in low resolution did not work.
    But I could get it to work by downloading a free app "Easy Res" (on the Mac App Store) that allows you to select non-retina resolutions.
    Here is the app:
    Then click on the icon of the app (on your Mac top bar), select your screen, and then select a non-retina resolution 1650x1050 for example)

  • Jean-Etienne LAMIAUD

    Lynkeos version 3.0, which was released yesterday, was complied on a macOS 10.13 Retina MacBook Pro.
    Pleae check with this latest version.

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2018-11-03

      On my MBPr on macOS 10.13.6 the problem is still there, I need to use the application in non-retina resolution.

  • Jean-Etienne LAMIAUD

    • status: pending --> accepted
    • Priority: 4 --> 8
  • Jean-Etienne LAMIAUD

    This is an issue with the access to image data using Cocoas API.

  • Jean-Etienne LAMIAUD

    The image format which is the object of this ticket is JPEG, which is a lossy compression format. That kind of format is not suited to image processing, as the "blocky" compression algorithm of the JPEG format introduces horizontal and vertical artifacts during the processing.
    Note: this is not an excuse to skip this bug correction ;o) I have a fix which will be delivered soon.

  • Jean-Etienne LAMIAUD

    • status: accepted --> closed
  • Jean-Etienne LAMIAUD

    Closed in V3.1



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