
LTC version 2.8.0 released


I have released Linguistic Tree Constructor version 2.8.0:

This is a release with both bugfixes and feature enhancements.

Many thanks to Prof. Dr. Kirk E. Lowery for beta-testing this release
intensively, and for providing numerous bug reports and suggestions
for improvements, and for general moral support in my endeavors with

  • Added a new command: View --> Open Horizontal Tree, which opens a
    new window showing a horizontal tree of the currently selected node.
    This is only possible if exactly one node is selected.

  • The horizontal tree can draw itself not only to the clipboard, but
    also to a file.

  • Various crashes were fixed.

  • A bug was fixed whereby .gen files that were right-to-left did not
    have that fact preserved when saving as .LTC files. Now the fact is
    preserved. This also means that the file format is backwards
    incompatible, i.e., older versions can't read new .LTC files.

  • In right-to-left trees, the individual boxes are now flush-right in
    all interlinear lines.

  • In right-to-left trees, if there is only one line (possibly only one
    box) in the text associated with a node, it is drawn flush-left
    rather than (as previously) flush-right.

  • The three library files (phrase_types.txt, labels.txt, and
    syntax_nodes.txt) are now looked for in a user-controlled directory
    first, before falling back to the Program's own copies. This was
    done so as to be able to support user-written library files that
    don't get overwritten with each new installation. Thanks go to Kirk
    Lowery for suggesting this and many other changes.

  • The user can now save the file right after New'ing it. It used to
    be that one had to alter the tree somehow before being able to save


In the next release of LTC, the following will be REMOVED:

  • Support for the non-Unicode version of LTC. Only the Unicode
    version will continue. This, in particular, also means that
    starting from th e next major version, LTC will no longer be able to
    run on Microsoft(R) Windows(R) 95, 98, or ME.

  • Support for reading the following file formats:

  • .ps2
  • .gk2
  • .thd
  • .pak
  • .ipa
  • .hdb

  • Support for writing .ltc files (they will be replaced by a new
    file format, most probably XML-based). READING old .ltc files
    will still be supported, but only if the file in question is a
    Unicode file.


Ulrik Sandborg-Petersen

Posted by Ulrik Sandborg-Petersen 2008-01-27