
sable version...

  • pierluc

    pierluc - 2008-01-05

    When I go on synaptic (debian installer on obuntu) I see the version 1.11.4 who go out on june 2006. To have the last version I'me obligate to compile myself the Lprof sofware. Will you crate a stable version soon?


    • Hal Engel

      Hal Engel - 2008-01-06

      LProf is under going major changes right now and it will be a while before it is "stable".  But it is fairly likely that we will start releasing development snapshots sometime soon.  But I am not sure that any of the distros will pick these up to include in their app repositories because these will likely no have normal version numbering (IE. will these will likely have versions like CVS-20090101).  On the other hand LProf is not a difficult build if your distro is fairly up to date.  The main focus of these snap shots releases would be to make it possible for more Windows and Mac users to test since Linux (and other users of unix like systems) can build LProf from CVS without difficulty.

    • pierluc

      pierluc - 2008-01-06

      Ok, the next version of Lprof will be out on april 2008. do you think that Lprof will be stable for this date?

    • Hal Engel

      Hal Engel - 2008-01-06

      I don't have any specific dates for releases yet even for the development snap shots so I am not sure where you got the April 2008 date.  This will happen when things are ready and when that is depends on a lot of factors that I can not control or foresee. 

      LProf is in the middle of a huge set of enhancements and it will take a lot of work to get all this new stuff working well enough for there to be any releases.  The main thing that will determine when this can happen is how much manpower is available to do the work.  So more people volunteering to help will speed things along.

      I am in the process of recruiting more help at this point and like all open source projects our main need is more programmers.  But there are lots of other things that need to be done that do not require technical skills.  This includes stuff like translating the UI and documentation and writing documentation.  We are also looking for a graphics artist who can design a logo/icon for LProf.  These are just a few of the non-technical things that need to be done.

    • Hal Engel

      Hal Engel - 2008-01-09

      LProf uses Qt for it's UI APIs and widgets.  Qt does have a tool for "painting" the UI but this is designed for programmers since it requires an understanding of the Qt API to use the tool affectively.  That tool does output XML and that XML is used by another set of Qt supplied utilities (uic and moc) to generate C++ code during the build process that is the actual base implementation of the UI objects.  But this has nothing to do with Inkscape or SVG. 

      In addition the programmers do more than glue the GUI onto the software.  The UI created by designer (the UI painter) is nothing more than a shell that contains a bunch of widget objects and the programmers still need to code about 95% of the application around those widgets including doing lots of work to make the widgets do what is needed.

      The project does however need an artist.  We are looking for some one to create a logo and icon set for LProf.  We would use the Logo in a splash screen (unimplemented at this time but fairly easy to add) and on the LProf web site.  It appears that you are qualified to do this so if you are interested please let me know.

    • pierluc

      pierluc - 2008-01-09

      I have not install the last version of CVS Lprof but if he look like the version of the fall and the stable version, it is not very userfriendly. I thing it can be a good idea to create a very userfriendly and beautiful desing for KDE4.

      When I go on KDE-Look section KDE4 brainstorm I see a lot of picture of KDE4 idea. Is the best is to create a picture of the desing and give you the picture?

    • Hal Engel

      Hal Engel - 2008-01-10

      I don't think it is that simple.  The reason I say that is that it would take many pictures to illustrate a UI for something as complex as an ICC profiler.  Even then there is lots of detail that is buried in the individual widgets and the code behind the widgets that can have a huge impact on how user friendly an application is that can not be depicted in an illustration.

      We are working on the UI in CVS with most of this work currently focused on the new display calibration and profiling features.  This is currently a wizard and when the Qt4 port is stable we will be redesigning how the wizard works (again).  If that is successful we will likely use what we learned there to wizardize the camera/scanner work flow in a similar way and this should make things much easier for novice users. 

      Our experience is that most users with a color management background to not find LProf particularly hard to use in spite of what UI issues it has.   Most of those that complain about the UI are those with little or no color management background and these users are fighting two learning curves; learning the LProf UI and learning about color management (which is the really big learning curve).  That being said we are trying to make LProf more accessible to users who have little or no color management experience.  But color management is fairly complex and there is only so much we can do for novice users without removing functionality from LProf.  So users will need to have at least some understanding of color management to use programs like LProf no mater what we do to the UI.

      The LProf project is always open to user feedback and if you have something constructive that you would like to contribute please do so.  Things like "it is not very userfriendly" lack specificity and are not very useful to us.  We need details not platitudes.  In addition, at this point the work that is underway in CVS is in many ways far removed from the last release and what we need is feedback on our current development work.  After all telling us that some feature in the last release should be improved is not very useful if that feature's implementation has been altered in the current development version or if we are already in the process of redesigning that feature.

      LProf is not a KDE app but rather is a cross platform application that uses Qt which is the base library used by KDE.


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