GUI still doesn't show printjobs. This is the log of a Test Print from windows (actual bytes removed). lpdspooler is running on machine TRA too:

10:45:52.695 [main] DEBUG org.simoes.lpd.LPD - LPD(): STARTED
10:45:52.700 [main] INFO org.simoes.lpd.LPD - main(): STARTED
10:45:52.706 [main] DEBUG org.simoes.lpd.util.Queues - Queues(): STARTED
10:45:53.010 [main] DEBUG o.simoes.lpd.handler.HandlerFactory - HandlerFactory(): STARTED
10:45:53.011 [main] DEBUG org.simoes.lpd.LPD - main(): FINSHED
10:45:53.011 [Thread-4] DEBUG org.simoes.lpd.handler.QueueMonitor - run(): Nothing to process going to wait()
10:45:53.014 [Thread-3] DEBUG org.simoes.lpd.LPD - run(): trying to accept() socket connection.
10:45:58.361 [Thread-3] DEBUG org.simoes.lpd.LPD - run(): Connection opened.
10:45:58.361 [Thread-3] DEBUG org.simoes.lpd.LPD - run(): Created a new PrintJob.
10:45:58.362 [Thread-3] DEBUG org.simoes.lpd.LPD - run(): Got InputStream.
10:45:58.364 [Thread-3] DEBUG org.simoes.lpd.util.NetUtil - readCommand(): Command = RAW

10:45:58.364 [Thread-3] DEBUG org.simoes.lpd.LPD - run(): Command = RAW

10:45:58.364 [Thread-3] DEBUG org.simoes.lpd.command.LPDCommands - createCommandHandler(): Receive Job Command
10:45:58.369 [Thread-3] DEBUG o.s.lpd.command.CommandReceiveJob - execute(): Receive Job Command
10:45:58.370 [Thread-3] DEBUG org.simoes.lpd.util.NetUtil - readNextInput(): Command = 54 cfA008TRA

10:45:58.371 [Thread-3] DEBUG o.s.lpd.command.CommandReceiveJob - receiveControlFile(): Control File=HTRA
JTest Page
NTest Page

10:45:58.374 [Thread-3] DEBUG o.s.lpd.command.CommandReceiveJob - receiveControlFile(): Control File Commands=classForBannerPage = null, host = TRA, indentCount = null, jobName = Test, userName = null, email = null, fileName = Test, userId = tra, symbolicLinkData = null, title = null, fileToUnlink = dfA008TRA, widthCount = null, troffRFontFileName = null, troffIFontName = null, troffBFontName = null, troffSFontName = null, plotCIFFileName = null, printDVIFileName = null, fileToPrintAsText = null, fileToPlot = null, fileToPrintAsTextRaw = dfA008TRA, fileToPrintAsDitroff = null, fileToPrintAsPostscript = null, fileToPrintAsPr = null, fileToPrintFortran = null, fileToPrintAsTroff = null, fileToPrintAsRaster = null
10:45:58.375 [Thread-3] DEBUG org.simoes.lpd.util.NetUtil - readNextInput(): Command = 21910 dfA008TRA

10:45:58.375 [Thread-3] INFO o.s.lpd.command.CommandReceiveJob - receiveDataFile(): DataFile size=21910
10:46:02.016 [Thread-3] DEBUG org.simoes.lpd.util.Queues - addPrintJob(): got queue: RAW
10:46:02.016 [Thread-3] DEBUG org.simoes.lpd.util.Queues - addPrintJob(): got lock for queue: RAW
10:46:02.016 [Thread-3] DEBUG org.simoes.lpd.util.Queue - entry[void add(Object object)]
object...[, ControlFile:
[B@37b82d69, DataFile:
10:46:02.021 [Thread-3] DEBUG org.simoes.lpd.util.QueuedObject - entry[QueuedObject(long id, Date timeStamp, Object object)]
timeStamp...[Thu Jun 10 10:46:02 CEST 2010]
object......[, ControlFile:
[B@37b82d69, DataFile:
10:46:02.021 [Thread-3] DEBUG org.simoes.lpd.util.QueuedObject - exit[QueuedObject(long id, Date timeStamp, Object object)]
10:46:02.021 [Thread-3] DEBUG org.simoes.lpd.util.Queue - exit[void add(Object object)], rval[0]
10:46:02.021 [Thread-3] DEBUG org.simoes.lpd.util.Queues - addPrintJob(): sent notify all to Lock object for queue: RAW
10:46:02.021 [Thread-3] DEBUG org.simoes.lpd.LPD - run(): about to close connection.
10:46:02.022 [Thread-3] DEBUG org.simoes.lpd.LPD - run(): about to close is.
10:46:02.022 [Thread-3] DEBUG org.simoes.lpd.LPD - run(): about to close os.
10:46:02.022 [Thread-3] DEBUG org.simoes.lpd.LPD - run(): trying to accept() socket connection.
10:46:02.022 [Thread-4] DEBUG org.simoes.lpd.handler.QueueMonitor - run(): Somebody woke me up, going to check the Queue: RAW
10:46:02.030 [Thread-4] DEBUG org.simoes.util.FileUtil - writeFile(): started.
10:46:02.031 [Thread-4] INFO org.simoes.util.FileUtil - Wrote 21910 bytes to C:\Users\TRA\workspaces\openpcl-git\Test008.pjb
10:46:02.033 [Thread-4] INFO org.simoes.lpd.handler.FileHandler - process(): Wrote data for jobName: Test jobNumber: 008 to Test008.pjb
10:46:02.033 [Thread-4] DEBUG org.simoes.lpd.util.Queue - entry[Object remove(long id)]
10:46:02.034 [Thread-4] DEBUG org.simoes.lpd.handler.QueueMonitor - run(): Nothing to process going to wait()