

David Piepgrass

A set of low-level interfaces, structures, functions, and helper classes. Basically, this library contains the kinds of things that would be in the Microsoft BCL if I had been in charge. I started writing a blog series on it.

  • Math (Loyc.Math namespace):
    • Misc. math (MathEx.cs)
      • Two of my favorite methods: InRange and IsInRange
      • Integer bit-fiddling (RoL, RoR, CountOnes, Log2Floor...)
      • Floating-point bit-fiddling (NextHigher, NextLower, Int64BitsToDouble...)
      • Generic math that works on both integers and floating point (Sqrt, Shift, Mod, Sign, MulDiv, Square)
      • Generic pair operations (Swap, SortPair, Average, Min, Max)
    • Helper code for doing math in .NET Generics (Interfaces.cs,;
    • 128-bit arithmetic (Math128)
    • Fixed-point types (
  • 2D/3D Geometry (Loyc.Geometry namespace): types are parameterized on coordinate type
    • Interfaces: IRectangle<T>, IRectangle3<T>, IPoint<T>, IPoint3<T>
    • 2D implementations: Point<T>, Vector<T>, LineSegment<T>, BoundingBox<T>
    • 3D implementations: Point3<T>, Vector3<T>, LineSegment3<T>
  • Threading: helps implement the "Ambient Service Pattern" in a multithreaded environment
    • ThreadEx: A thread that propagates thread-local variables from "parent" to "child" threads
    • ThreadLocalVariable<T>: an alternative to [ThreadStatic], compatible with ThreadEx
    • PushedTLV<T>: helper struct for temporarily changing a ThreadLocalVariable<T>
  • Misc:
    • Symbol, GSymbol, SymbolPool, SymbolPool<E> * Singleton strings based on Ruby, Lisp, etc.
    • SimpleTimer, EzStopwatch * More convenient to use than BCL's Stopwatch
    • GoInterface, GoInterface<Interface>, GoInterface<Interface, T="">
    • ITags<T>, HashTags<T> * a way of attaching properties to existing objects)
    • Localize.From() * a simple pluggable mechanism for internationalization)
    • ICloneable<T> * a Clone() method that returns T
    • IMessageSink<T> etc. * a simple, generic mechanism to write logs & compiler warnings/errors
    • MiniTest.cs, RunTests.cs * stripped-down NUnit lookalike to remove need for separate test framework (note: I am currently still using NUnit)
    • Pair<A,B> * A struct with A and B values (in contrast, Tuple<A,B> allocates on the heap)
    • WeakReference<T> * Strongly-typed weak reference, plus WeakNullReference<T>.Singleton for null.
  • Compatibility with earlier .NET versions:
    • Defines IReadOnlyCollection<T>, IReadOnlyList<T>, IReadOnlyDictionary<T> before .NET 4.5
    • Note: in the future I might use Theraot's Libraries for backward compatibility
  • Collections:
    • Collection interfaces:
      • ICount, IListSource<T>, INotifyListChanging<T>, IAutoCreatePool<K,V>
      • Ranges: IFRange<T>, IMFRange<T>, IBRange<T>, IMBRange<T>, IRange<T>, IMRange<T>, IBRangeEx<T>, IBRangeEx<RangeT,T>, IRangeEx<T>, IRangeEx<RangeT,T>
      • Immutable sets: ISetImm<T, SetT>, ISetTests<SetT>, ISetOperations<T, SetT>
      • Extended enumerators: IBinumerator<T>, IMEnumerator<T>, IMBinumerator<T>, IBinumerable<T>
      • Queue interfaces: IPush<T>, IPop<T>, IQueue<T>, IStack<T>, IDeque<T>
      • Read-write interfaces: IArray<T>, IAddRange<T>, IListRangeMethods<T>, IAutoSizeArray<T>
        • Unifying interfaces: ICollectionEx<T>, IListEx<T>
      • Sink interfaces: IHasAdd<T>, ISinkCollection<T>, ISinkArray<T>, ISinkList<T>
      • Lists that are not zero-based: INegListSource<T>, INegArray<T>, INegAutoSizeArray<T>, INegDeque<T>
    • Collection implementations (only simple collections are defined in Loyc.Essentials):
      • DList<T>, InternalDList<T>, InternalList<T>, WeakKeyDictionary<K,V>, WeakValueDictionary<K,V>
    • Helper classes:
      • Slices: ArraySlice<T>, ListSlice<T>, Slice_<T>, StringSlice, UString
      • Mutability adapters: ListAsListSource<T>, ListSourceAsList<T>, CollectionAsSource<T>, SourceAsCollection<T>
      • Index-offset adapters: NegList<T>, NegListSource<T>
      • Reverse-view adapters: ReverseBinumerator<T>, ReversedList<T>, ReversedListSource<T>
      • Linq adapters: SelectListSource<T,TResult>
      • Other adapters: RangeEnumerator<T>, RangeEnumerator<R, T>, SelectNegLists<T>, SelectNegListSources<T>
      • Empty immutable collections: EmptyList<T>, EmptyEnumerator<T>
      • Misc: BufferedSequence<T>, NestedEnumerator<Frame,T>
      • Sequence generators: IntRange, Repeated<T>
      • Dictionary helpers: KeyCollection<K,V>, ValueCollection<K,V>
    • Base classes: BaseDictionary<K,V>, ListExBase<T>, ListSourceBase<T>, SourceBase<T>
    • Debugger display helper: CollectionDebugView<T>
    • Extension methods
      • Views: list.Slice(start, len), list.ReverseView(), list.NegView(zeroOffset)
      • Adapters: ICollection.AsSource(), IReadOnlyCollection.AsCollection(), IList.AsListSource(), IListSource.AsList(), IEnumerable.Buffered()
      • Queries (here, 'e' means IEnumerable<T>, 'list' refers to one or more list types)
        • Upcasting: list.UpCast<T,TResult>()
        • list.ForEach(lambda)
        • list.Select(lambda) where list is IListSource<T>
        • e.AdjacentPairs(), e.AdjacentPairsCircular(),
        • e.Zip(other), e.ZipLeft(...), e.ZipLonger(...)
        • list.WhereNotNull(),
        • list.SelectArray()
        • list.IndexWhere(lambda), list.LastIndexWhere(lambda), list.IndexOf(...)
        • e.IndexOfMin(...), e.IndexOfMax(...)
        • e.MaxOrDefault(...), e.MinOrDefault(...)
        • e.Join(separator) * joins list items into a string
        • list.CopyTo(T[], arrayIndex),
        • list.Randomized()
        • list.TryGet(index, defaultValue)
      • Mutators:
        • list.Reverse()
        • list.Resize(newSize)
        • list.AddRange(IEnumerable<T>), list.RemoveRange(index, count)
        • list.RemoveAll(lambda)
        • list.Randomize()
        • list.Sort(...), list.StableSort(...), list.InsertionSort(...),
        • list.Swap(i, j)
      • For ranges:
        • range.Skip(count), range.DropLast(count)
        • range.PopFirst(), range.PopFirst(defaultValue)
        • range.PopLast(), range.PopLast(defaultValue)
        • range.Contains(IRangeEx), range.Overlaps(IRangeEx)
      • Non-extension helper methods:
        • ListExt.SortPair(list, i, j, comp)
        • ListExt.RangeArray(count)
        • Range.Single(value), Range.Repeat(value, count)
        • Range.IntRange(start, count)
  • Non-collection extension methods
    • Type.NameWithGenericArgs() * e.g. typeof(List<int>).NameWithGenericArgs() == "List<Int32>"
    • Exception.ToDetailedString()
    • string.SplitAt(char)
    • string.Right(count), string.Left(count), string.TryGet(...), StringBuilder.TryGet(...), string.SafeSubstring(index, count), string.USlice(start, count), string.Find(...)...


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