
#23 SQL Listener: Add option to display column names in log

Log source (5)

it would be useful for me to have an option to display column names in the log above listener events. I have started to use this tool in testing and in one session I may need to watch x number of tables and x number of log files. I have two proposals on how this information could be displayed if an option was given (I would prefer proposal B, but A would be useful as well.)

Proposal A: display column names above each new sql listener log entry as they were entered.

Proposal B: display the column names above the first new entry for a particular sql listener in the session, then only display column names again if the subsequent events were interrupted from another listener. Example: If I have a session with two Sql Listeners(SQL1 and SQL2). SQL1 has the first 10 events of the session, the column names would only display once until SQL2 has an event.


  • Johan Idstam

    Johan Idstam - 2011-05-25

    I'll try to implement something like your B option but I will extend it to all listeners that could use column names.
    That way any eventual settings will be in the viewer settings, not on each listener.

  • Johan Idstam

    Johan Idstam - 2011-05-25
    • assigned_to: nobody --> idstam

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