
Startup parameters / files

  • tee

    tee - 2011-05-16

    I would like to be able to define the properties of a resource by editing /
    creating the appropriate supporting files before starting the LopgSaw

    My log files use the Log4J Pattern Layout. Different log files will have
    different dialects. I am creating an application that will ask the user for
    the log file type (which dialect to use) and file name. Using this information
    I would then have the app create / modify the supporting files and then start
    the LogSaw. The selected log file would be displayed as a Resource. The user
    could then select the Resource and the data would be displayed (or they may
    have to synchronize the data).

    This would be used as a User App to view log data acquired from a piece of
    medical equipment. The User knows nothing about dialects so having the user
    setup the Resource is out of the question. I really like the abilities of
    LogSaw and hope to be able to use it.

  • Philipp Nanz

    Philipp Nanz - 2011-05-16

    Hi there,
    interesting use-case!

    How are your programming skills? If you have a little experience, I could give
    you some tips on how to achieve this by creating your own LogSaw/Eclipse
    plugin bundle that can then be added to the LogSaw application. It's not that
    complicated actually, however it would be hardcoded and not dynamically

  • tee

    tee - 2011-05-16

    I am a pretty good C / C++ programmer - over 20 years. I believe there are
    other programmers here who have done Eclipse plugins who can also give me a
    hand. I would like to pursue this if you have some time. Also I have found
    some tutorials about Eclipse plugins on the web.

  • tee

    tee - 2011-05-17

    I have the following idea for the plugin:

    When Add Resource button is pressed a window opens that is similar to the
    current window.
    It asks for a file name
    It has a dropdown list with predefined Resource parameters with one choice
    being "Define the Resource Parameters"

    If a dropdown Resource type is selected, then stored values are used for File
    encoding, Locale, Time zone, Log Dialect and Conversion Pattern. Predefined
    Resources could be hard coded or there is an optional "Resource Name" box on
    the last page to store the current Resource parameters (minus the filename)
    that would be used in the initial page drop down box.

    If "Define the Resource Parameters" is selected then the current set of
    windows are used with the addition of the optional "Resource Name" box at the

    Other users may like this addition.

  • Philipp Nanz

    Philipp Nanz - 2011-05-18

    I agree that something like that would be great. Unfortunately, I have very
    little spare time at the moment so I can't commit on any bigger changes like
    this in a reasonable timeframe :-(

    Still, I could surely give you a helping hand in creating an Eclipse plugin
    that auto-setups some log resources on first startup.


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