
Log Plus Plus / News: Recent posts

liblpp-0.3.0 released!

This release contains some standard LogForm items to format the log output.

These can be used thus:

#include <liblpp/Log.h>
#include <liblpp/LogForm.h>

Log& log = Log::getLog("core");

New LogForm objects can be created by subclassing class LogForm and overriding operator()(LogMessage&);

There is also preliminary support for color terminal logging using LOG_FORM_XTERM.... read more

Posted by Galik 2007-03-30

LogPlusPlus now has mailing lists

Two mailing lists have now been set up. One for project announcements and the others for project deveopment.

Posted by Galik 2007-03-30

LogPlusPlus gets subversive

LogPlusPlus is now released under subversion control system.

Posted by Galik 2006-06-04

LogPlusPlus grows up!

LogPlusPlus the famous c++ logging library of note has moved it development methodology from a rickerty old Makefile over to a shiny new and

Posted by Galik 2006-06-02

New logging system for C++ coders.

Announcing the initial availability of Log Plus Plus. A new, light weight, easy to use, yet powerful logging library for C++. It's fast, efficient, offers old ladies help when crossing the road. And it even slices your bread.

Log Plus Plus is currently only available through CVS but tarballs should be on the way shortly.

So stop by at Log Plus Plus and be the first to test drive the efficient, glitzy and just plain fashonable new logging system for C++.

Posted by Galik 2006-05-16