
LogiTest / News: Recent posts

LogiTest 0.8.1 Released

LogiTest version 0.8.1 is now available at

Version 0.8.1 includes several minor bug fixes as well as more internal JavaDoc documentation.

Please send comments or questions to

Posted by Anthony Eden 2001-06-14

LogiTest 0.8 Released

LogiTest version 0.8 is now available at

Version 0.8 adds scripting support with IBM's Bean Scripting Framework. Currently Python and JavaScript are supported within LogiTest. Scripts can be written which can control the major functions of the LogiTest application such as opening and saving files, executing tests, and more. In addition a new Testlet called ScriptTestlet has been created which allows arbitrary scripts to be executed when the Testlet is invoked. This makes it much easier to develop custom testlets.... read more

Posted by Anthony Eden 2001-04-20

LogiTest 0.7 Released

LogiTest 0.7 is now available at

The following features have been added:

- Cut/copy/paste to and from the test tree
- Unlimited undo/redo on the test tree

Please read the changelog for a complete list of changes.

Posted by Anthony Eden 2001-04-01 offline

The address ceased functioning today as I was trying to set up a virtual host. I have switched back to a URL forwarding approach, but it may still take a few hours for this change to appear. Sorry.

Posted by Anthony Eden 2001-03-29

LogiTest Version 0.6

LogiTest version 0.6 is now available at

Several new features have been added:

- LogiTest.jar is now executable
- Client certificates have been added
- Images have been moved into the LogiTest JAR
- Preferences are now stored in the user's home directory
- Several bugs have been fixed

As always, if you have any questions, please drop me a line at Or better yet, join the LogiTest developer mailing list.... read more

Posted by Anthony Eden 2001-03-04

Source code now in CVS

The LogiTest source code is now available in the CVS server ( It is in the logitest directory.


Posted by Anthony Eden 2001-02-16

LogiTest 0.5 Released

LogiTest version 0.5 is now available at .

LogiTest is a Java application for functional and regression testing of web applications.

This version includes several enhancements:

- Multiple document views (Browser, Source, DOM)
- Pre-load delay is now implemented
- Several minor bug fixes

Anthony Eden

Posted by Anthony Eden 2001-02-10

Logitest 0.4.2 Released

LogiTest version 0.4.2 is now available for download at

This release includes the following changes:

- Added HTTP proxy support (through Edit->Preferences)
- Removed some unnecessary classes.

Posted by Anthony Eden 2001-02-04

LogiTest 0.4.1 Released

LogiTest version 0.4.1 is now available for download at

This release includes the following changes:

- Fixed browser reload bug. All pages are now reloaded for every request.
- Logging is now setup with file.
- Added "Reset cookies before playback" option to Test.

Posted by Anthony Eden 2001-01-09

LogiTest 0.4 Released

LogiTest version 0.4 is now available for download at

Version 0.4 includes many new features including:

- Regular expression support
- Better cookie handling
- Initial i8n support
- Revised documentation

Posted by Anthony Eden 2001-01-06


Sorry about the delays in getting the source code up as well as placing releases here. My account is all kinds of whacked out and the SourceForge crew is on vacation.

Until my account is fixed you can get the latest release at

-Anthony Eden

Posted by Anthony Eden 2000-12-28

Source Forge project created

The Source Forge project page for LogiTest is now up and running. I will be adding source code and documentation shortly.

Posted by Anthony Eden 2000-12-20