
Log4r - Logging system written in Ruby / News: Recent posts

Move to rubyforge

The source tree, issue tracking and file releases are moved to rubyforge:

Please see the rubyforge project pages for more info. Documentation pages are still held on sourceforge until I can update them to reflect changes that have gone into 1.0.6 - 1.1.1

Posted by Colby Gutierrez-Kraybill 2009-09-24

Log4r 1.0.5 and moving to RubyForge

Log4r 1.0.5 is out. Includes YAML configuration, gem file (try remote installation with 'gem --remote-install log4r'), and some bug fixes.

Also, Log4r is moving to RubyForge. This will be the last release on SourceForge.

Posted by Leon Torres 2004-03-18

Log 1.0.4 out and new mailing list

Actually install syslogoutputter.rb. Also, there is a mailing list for log4r: Check out the Lists link on the top bar!

Posted by Leon Torres 2003-09-03

Version 1.0.3 and request for new maintainer

First update in an year! Also, I'm requesting a new maintainer take over log4r. Check the 1.0.3 announcement on ruby-lang for more info on that.

Posted by Leon Torres 2003-09-01

Version 1.0.0 incoming!

Many changes and feature improvemens:
* XML config file
* PatternFormatter like Log4j PatternLayout
* arcane details

Posted by Leon Torres 2002-01-12

First Release!

Come and try me out

Posted by Leon Torres 2002-01-05