
log4cplus 1.2.0-RC4 released

I have released log4cplus 1.2.0-RC4.

  • Fixed init_priority GCC attribute detection and use issue.

  • Fixed "most vexing parse" issue with LOG4CPLUS_C_STR_TO_TSTRING(STRING) when STRING is an identifier.`

  • Fixed AcceptOnMatch property function in filters default to true value.

  • Fixed GitHub bug #92. DailyRollingFileAppender rollover time was drifting.

  • Fixed GitHub bug #86. Create directories for lock file if CreateDirs is specified.

  • Allow turning off library name decoration in CMake builds. See also GitHub issue #98.

Posted by Václav Haisman 2015-08-02 Labels: rc v1.2.0-rc4

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