
#3 500 - Internal Server Error in 2.0.7


Sorry, but the recent bug isn't fixed in 2.0.7. The lighttpd error log which
I posted as a comment came right out of my 2.0.7 installation. It still
looks like this:


2006-05-17 12:49:46: (mod_fastcgi.c.1739) connect failed: Connection
refused on unix:/tmp/ruby-fastcgi.TY7nT.socket-1
2006-05-17 12:49:46: (mod_fastcgi.c.2851) backend died, we disable it
for a 5 seconds and send the request to another backend instead:
reconnects: 0 load: 1
2006-05-17 12:49:47: (mod_fastcgi.c.2430) unexpected end-of-file
(perhaps the fastcgi process died): pid: 26145 socket: unix:/tmp/ruby-
2006-05-17 12:49:47: (mod_fastcgi.c.3168) child exited, pid: 26145
status: 1
2006-05-17 12:49:47: (mod_fastcgi.c.3215) response not received,
request sent: 746 on socket: unix:/tmp/ruby-fastcgi.TY7nT.socket-1 for
/dispatch.fcgi , closing connection

I only get this on my Locomotive 1.0 projects which I tried to add in the
2.0.7 verison via "Add Existing".

I don't know but it rather looks like a locomotive bug than a OS X bug ?

If you need additional information let me know !


  • Ryan Raaum

    Ryan Raaum - 2006-05-20

    Logged In: YES


    Can you give me all the details of your system? (OS version,
    ppc or intel). What troubleshooting steps have you taken?
    Have you done everything suggested in the troubleshooting
    section of the Help in Locomotive?



  • hukl

    hukl - 2006-05-20

    Logged In: YES

    Hi, well I have the latest OS X 10.4.6 on my Alu PowerBook 1Ghz. I have a
    messed up ruby and rails installation with broken paths etc. Thats why I use
    locomotive. The only debug information I could find was the log snippet I
    posted before. No other logs had any errors for me. Could it be that the the
    old session and cache files got something to do with that ? Other than that I
    have no Idea cause even small test apps created with locomotive 1 wont work
    in 2 at the moment i'm putting logic in the app. I will look in the
    troubleshooting section. I'll let you know if I find anything. Besides, I rewrote
    my current app from scratch in 2 and it works.

  • Ryan Raaum

    Ryan Raaum - 2006-07-30
    • status: open --> closed
  • Ryan Raaum

    Ryan Raaum - 2006-07-30
    • status: closed --> closed-out-of-date

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