
Updates install but windows update still says updates are needed

  • The Dealman

    The Dealman - 2014-05-02

    I use the LUP to install 3rd party apps like flash active x & flash plugins, java mostly in the msi format. The issue i have is that the apps install but in the windows update history it says failed and the windows update client still thinks there are pending updates so they fail over and over again with code 6ba windows update. What is wrong and how do i fix this?

  • Bryan Dam

    Bryan Dam - 2014-05-15

    Are you modifying the default rules for the MSI installs? In theory, the MSIs should have their own detection logic so even if the WSUS client thought it failed ... if the actually installed fine it should be detect as such the next time around. I don't recognize 6ba as a WSUS error code ... I suspect that's not the full code. If you have the full one I can try and look it up.

    • The Dealman

      The Dealman - 2014-05-21

      The error details: Code 6BA that showed in the windows update history. I have since moved on to the wsus packager, this is working out quite nicely. Thanks for responding though.


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