
#7 Source code refactoring/generalization


The source code at present is broken out into
different directories at the root level (i.e. /src, /
test, /sample).

While this may function well in specific environments
(e.g. NetBeans, ?), it does not work properly with
Eclipse (other?).

Also, the URL based packaging dictates that the code
fall under a single hierarchy. Separate releases
packages (i.e. source, binary, test) can be made from
the hierarchy by inclusion/exclusion of code as
necessary. This also elminates code duplication in
multiple directories. In my experience, duplication
errors are shown in certain environments (e.g.
Eclipse) when the same hierarchy exists in multiple
relative locations.

Something that needs to be generalized is any samples
that are included. For example, there is a NetBeans
based GUI sample, but this requires specific libraries
that not all users will have or want. There is no
documentation included that indicates the need for
these libraries and no clear directory breakdown to
show that a NetBeans based GUI is contained.

NetBeans is fine, for those that want it, but it must
be made clear that this is the situation. In addition,
it would be a better idea to generalize this code as
much as possible for use with other environments. That
is, the library should follow the model-view-
controller paradigm (MVC) where possible.



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