
Linux support

Linux binaries

Since LNMail was written, using the wxWidgets toolkit, it is possible to use it under Linux (and even Mac) as well. But since I only need it under Microsoft Windows, I only create precompiled executables for this OS.

Is there anyone, who needs or wants LNMail for Linux as well? There are demo licenses for Lotus Notes client and server, and so it should be possible to get it to run under Linux as well. So please give me feedback it this is needed, so I can also try to build Linux executables.

Test releases

I setup a virtual machine with 32 bit Ubuntu on it. When I finally managed to successfully install a Domino server as well as a Lotus Notes client, I was able to compile LNMail under Linux. Unfortunately it was not possible to test the final executable, as the first call to the C++ API - the session initialization - fails.

Currently I have no clue, what could be the problem. But as it may be caused by the Domino or Notes installation, I still packed the executable together with the Notes API library and uploaded the files.

To test it on a real platform with a working Notes installation. Please unpack the files somewhere and try to execute them. The Lotus Notes client libraries must be available. On my installation I got a different output, when starting LNMail from the notesdata directory or from any other.


  • Daniel Meireles

    Daniel Meireles - 2013-01-04

    I would like to have a precompiled version of LNMail for Linux. And I will be glad to provide feedback and bug reports if you want.

    • Sebastian Walderich

      The first test release is now available from the download area. Please give feedback. Hopefully, you are having more success than me.


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