
LnBlog / News: Recent posts

Version 2.0.0 released

The latest version features support or Webmentions, enhancements to file upload and management, and several bug fixes.

Posted by Peter Geer 2020-05-24

Version 1.3.0 released

Version 1.3.0 of LnBlog is now available. This is mostly a bug fix release, including some design improvements. however, it does include some improvements to the post editor, including support for posting in Markdown.

Posted by Peter Geer 2015-08-13

Version 1.2 is now out

LnBLog 1.2 has been released. This release features something that should have been added a long time ago - a rich-text HTML editor in the form of an updated TinyMCE plugin. There are also a number of bug fixes and a few other minor features.

Posted by Peter Geer 2014-06-09

Version 1.1 released

This version includes some bug fixes and minor feature additions. These include a new "author bio" sidebar plugin, plugin system for text processing filters, the ability to have a static main page for a blog, and the ability to schedule auto-publication of draft posts.

Posted by Peter Geer 2012-02-13

Back from the dead!

After a hiatus of approximately 3 years, LnBlog has been revived and is once more in development. As part of this resurrection, the project has a new issue tracker and a new source control system. Check the issue tracker at and the public Mercurial repository at

Posted by Peter Geer 2010-12-28

LnBlog 0.9.0 released

LnBlog 0.9.0 is now available. This release includes a number of new features. Among these are support for multiple subdomains, improved blogging API support, support for draft entries, new reply management, and a new anti-spam plugin.

Posted by Peter Geer 2007-04-11

LnBlog 0.8.2 released

It's official: LnBlog has embraced Web 2.0. Well, sort of. This release has a sidebar calendar powered by AJAX, so I guess that count for something.

In addition to numerous bug fixes, this release also adds support for mass comment deletion, changing the replies to a single list, and adds a user editing page for administrators.

Lastly, this version consolidated the theme style sheets and changed the entry storage format to XML. Don't worry, though - it still reads the old format seamlessly, so no conversions are required.

Posted by Peter Geer 2006-12-23

LnBlog 0.8.1

This release includes bugfixes for posting in Unicode and for newline characters not being translated into HTML line breaks. It also includes small enhancements to the post editor and a simple plugin for blocking basic comment spam robots.

Posted by Peter Geer 2006-09-11

LnBlog 0.8.0, "No Need for TrackBack" released

LnBlog 0.8.0 is now available for download. This release features lots of bug fixes and significant feature additions. Please see the official announcement at:

The big new feature in this release is support for Pingbacks. Pingbacks are turned on and work automatically by default. However, you can turn them off globally using the DisableComment plugin, turn off Pingbacks for new entries in the blog settings, or turn them off on a per-entry basis. You can also disable the sending of Pingback pings, either per-blog or when posting a particular entry or entry update.... read more

Posted by Peter Geer 2006-08-25

New LnBlog plugins

There are several new plugins available for LnBlog. You can check out the complete list at the official plugins page at:

The new plugins include a contact form plugin, a sidebar plugin that lists recently posted comments, and a plugin to make your weblog private, i.e. only accessible to certain logged-in users.

Other available plugins include a Goolge search box for the sidebar, an alternate archive list plugin, and two Javascript rich text editor - one for FCKeditor and one for TinyMCE.

Posted by Peter Geer 2006-06-26

LnBlog 0.7.3 released

LnBlog version 0.7.3 hasd been released. This version fixes a number of minor bugs and introduces per-topic RSS feeds.

Posted by Peter Geer 2006-06-26

LnBlog 0.7.2 released

LnBlog version 0.7.2 is now available. This release fixes bugs in the sitemap editor page and the plugin configuration page under PHP5. It also addsinterface elements for deleting articles and marking them to be shown in the sidebar.

Posted by Peter Geer 2006-06-16

LnBlog in Linux Format

LnBlog was listed as a "Hot Pick" in the June 2006 issue of Linux Format magazine. The column, located on page 40, provides a summary of LnBlog and lists a few of the basic features. It covered LnBlog 0.6.4 and was generally positive, praising the modularity of the design. The write up also expressed the hope that a user community might spring up to provide more plugins. Let's not disappoint them!

Posted by Peter Geer 2006-06-11

LnBlog 0.7.1 released

LnBlog 0.7.1 is now available. This release adds support for the MetaWeblog API and adds the ability to upload files while making an initial post. As an added curiosity, this version comes with a small Python script that allows you to post entries form the command line via the MetaWeblog API. This also allows the possibility of automating posts and file uploads.

For full details, see the official release announcement at

Posted by Peter Geer 2006-06-01