
#193 DSSI Synths Do Not Save Parameters


I've created a number of DSSI synths in projects (mostly fluidsynth, but sometimes also using the simple sampler) and after I've saved and closed the projects and the re-open them again the synths are still present but they don't remember any of their parameters (eg, I have to load the soundfont back into fluidsynth or load a sample back into simple sampler). This appears to work fine with MESS synths, just not DSSI.


  • Robert Jonsson

    Robert Jonsson - 2010-04-19
    • assigned_to: nobody --> terminator356
  • Robert Jonsson

    Robert Jonsson - 2010-04-19

    Sorry for the delay, the new ticket notifier is nonworking :/
    Anyway, thanks for the report.

    I hope I am understanding you correctly that MESS synths are working correctly and DSSI do not remember their state.
    DSSI support is currently being improved in this area.

    Meanwhile, it is possible to save the midi settings on the midi track with the Record (All) button in the TrackInfo strip for each midi track.

  • terminator356

    terminator356 - 2010-06-08

    There is now a fix in SVN. It saves settings for the current program only.
    It cannot remember settings for each program.
    Improving on this will be difficult.

    For a much more robust saving ability, there are now some 'chunk'
    patches in the latest dss-vst-0.9.2 which can be applied.
    Then in MusE, you should enable DSSI_VST_CHUNK_SUPPORT
    at the top of the file dssihost.cpp
    This has been tested and works quite well.

  • terminator356

    terminator356 - 2010-06-08
    • status: open --> pending-fixed
  • SourceForge Robot

    This Tracker item was closed automatically by the system. It was
    previously set to a Pending status, and the original submitter
    did not respond within 14 days (the time period specified by
    the administrator of this Tracker).

  • SourceForge Robot

    • status: pending-fixed --> closed-fixed