
Low Level Virtual Machine / News: Recent posts

LLVM 1.4 Released

The Low Level Virtual Machine (LLVM) version 1.4 has been released. LLVM is a source-language agnostic toolkit for building static and dynamic compilers, optimizers, linkers, jit compilers and interpreted virtual machines. This release provides faster compile times, better code quality, a new PowerPC JIT, initial support for building with Visual C++ 7.1, and many many bug fixes and other improvements. Visit the home page where you can learn all the details. LLVM is funded by the National Science Foundation, MARCO/DARPA, and supported by UIUC's Computer Science department and developers world-wide.

Posted by Reid Spencer 2004-12-09

LLVM 1.3 Now On SourceForge

The Low Level Virtual Machine (LLVM) version 1.3, announced on /. August 13th, 2004 has become a SourceForge project. The 1.3 release can now be downloaded from the project's file area. LLVM is a source-language agnostic toolkit for building static and dynamic compilers, optimizers, linkers and jit or interpreted virtual machines. LLVM provides extensive optimization support, three mid-level IR formats (bytecode, assembly, and C++), three backend targets (x86,Sparc,PPC), and full documentation. Based on the Single Static Assignment form, the design of LLVM is both simple and powerful. This new toolkit approach to compiler related tools is quickly attracting new developers who are making significant contributions to the work. Visit the home page where you can learn all the details.
LLVM is funded by the National Science Foundation, MARCO/DARPA, and supported by UIUC's Computer Science department and other developers and corporations.

Posted by Reid Spencer 2004-09-24