
Read Operation

  • ismail sarıkaya

    Thanks for your advises. Now i can write epc, access password and kill password. and also i can lock them. But now i have a little bit problem while reading these values from the tag. I tried c1g2read and c1g2opreadresult parameters but i coulnt do it. How can read the resevered memories on the tag?

    • John R. Hogerhuis

      Hi Ismael,

      Again, you'll get a wider audience for your questions on the LTK development mailing list. Also, the vendor that sold you the reader will hopefully help you as well.

      On your new question: you are having a problem reading reserved memory. What error are you getting?

      Perhaps you have locked portions of the reserved memory? I'll point you to one particular line of the Gen2 spec, page 36:

      "Interrogators may lock, permanently lock, unlock, or permanently unlock memory, thereby preventing or allowing subsequent changes (as appropriate). See and for a detailed description of memory locking and unlocking. The kill and access passwords are individually lockable, as are EPC, TID, and user memory. If the kill and/or access password are locked they are both rendered unwriteable and unreadable (but still usable by the Kill and Access commands, respectively), unlike other memory banks, which are always readable regardless of their lock status."

      So, in that case you would need to know the password you used to lock the reserved region, and unlock it before you can read the reserved memory. If you permalocked it, you need to use a new tag if you wish to experiment with reading reserved memory again.

      When you post your question to the mailing list, please post the LTK-XML of the all accessspecs you used on the tag, and the roaccessreports you got back to increase chance of someone being able to see what is going on. Also of interest is what reader and tags you are using.

      Good luck,

      -- John.


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