
Alternate Servers?

  • Michael Schober

    Michael Schober - 2010-10-11

    I just ran into this software and am eager to try it out, but I am certain the latency back to the llcon server will be a big issue. I have not found a clear answer, but in several posts there appears that a server can be created. Am I reading this correctly? Can I use a local machine as the server and have others connect to it through your software?

  • Volker Fischer

    Volker Fischer - 2010-10-13

    Yes, you can use your local machine as a server. The application link to the server on Windows is in the Start->Programs->llcon folder. Under Linux just start llcon with "llcon -s".
    If you want other to use your server, you have to set up a port forwarding of the llcon port in your internet router.

  • Peter L Jones

    Peter L Jones - 2010-10-23

    It would be nice if the there was a central "server of servers" that people could view to find a local one to jam on.  The llcon server could optionally register with this server of servers.  The llcon client could maybe do a ping test through the list to find a good set of servers to start from.

  • Volker Fischer

    Volker Fischer - 2010-10-24

    I already had this idea and created a feature request in the tracker, see

    The only problem with this is that it only makes sense if a lot of people actually using llcon which is not the case right now.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-10-30

    I've installed on 1 ubuntu studio 10.04. PC and 1 ubuntu studio 10.04 laptop. The PC can connect t and to localhost when running as server, but the laptop can't connect to either. No problem with normal internet connectivity nor jack server. Any ideas why one machine can't connect on the same network?

  • Volker Fischer

    Volker Fischer - 2010-10-30

    I guess that you have to enable a port forwarding in your router to the PC with the llcon server.

  • Phil Watson

    Phil Watson - 2012-05-29

    Hi, I am also trying to host a server on my home machine,  but using OS X (Lion), would appreciate it if you could point me in the right direction. Many thanks, Phil

  • Volker Fischer

    Volker Fischer - 2012-05-30

    On OS X it is not so comfortable to start the server as it is on Windows. If you have copied the llcon application to your Desktop, you can start the server by opening a command shell and type:

    ./Desktop/ -s

    Don't forget to set up a UDP port forwarding on port 22124 to your computer, otherwise your server may not be visible in the connection list of llcon.

  • Phil Watson

    Phil Watson - 2012-05-30

    Thanks for that, have the server running on my side of the router, can't see it from the internet side, probably some stupid NAT issue, I have set up a UDP port forward to my server but it ain't getting thru', will sort it out, probably some firewall somewhere on my network is killing it! Many thanks. Phil