
version 0.96 released

+ add TlkJSONFuncEnum and method ForEach in all TlkJSONcustomlist descendants
+ add property UseHash(r/o) to TlkJSONobject, and parameter UseHash:Boolean to object constructors; set ti to false allow to disable using of hash-table, what can increase speed of work in case of objects with low number of methods(fields); [by default it is true]
+ added conditional compile directive DOTNET for use in .Net based delphi versions; remove dot in declaration below (thanx for idea and sample code to Tim Radford)
+ added property HashOf to TlkHashTable to allow use of users hash functions; on enter is widestring, on exit is cardinal (32 bit unsigned). Original HashOf renamed to DefaultHashOf
* hash table object of TlkJSONobject wrapped by property сalled HashTable
* fixed some minor bugs

Posted by Leonid Koninin 2007-03-30

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