
Tree [6ce913] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 PCRlib 2020-12-21 Victor Jetten Victor Jetten [87274a] // changed cmake to include pcraster lib source...
 auxfiles 2013-05-17 Victor Jetten Victor Jetten [c6527e]
 cmake 2021-03-02 vjetten vjetten [f904b2] // fixed bug in infiltration sometimes ignoring...
 docs 2020-12-21 Victor Jetten Victor Jetten [87274a] // changed cmake to include pcraster lib source...
 doxygen 2014-04-25 Kor de Jong Kor de Jong [f189d0] Add initial version CMake project files
 include 2021-03-06 vjetten vjetten [6ce913] // update 6.62
 resources 2021-03-02 vjetten vjetten [f904b2] // fixed bug in infiltration sometimes ignoring...
 swatre 2021-02-28 vjetten vjetten [a4e96f] // interface icons, cleaned up cell processes code
 ui_full 2021-03-06 vjetten vjetten [6ce913] // update 6.62
 .gitattributes 2014-05-12 Kor de Jong Kor de Jong [888752] Update eol handling
 Application.cmake 2021-02-21 vjetten vjetten [a20251] // optimized diagonal flow
 CMakeLists.txt 2020-12-09 vjetten vjetten [a83eb5] // version 6.4 simplified cmake files, not sati...
 COPYRIGHT 2015-10-13 bastianvandenbout bastianvandenbout [79b9e2] kin2d trial 2015-02-02 Kor de Jong Kor de Jong [9e64a1] Added IO unit tests
 CsfMap.cpp 2020-12-01 vjetten vjetten [a4b7be] // update all to GPLv3 and cleaning
 CsfRGBMap.cpp 2020-12-01 vjetten vjetten [a4b7be] // update all to GPLv3 and cleaning
 INSTALL 2021-03-02 vjetten vjetten [f904b2] // fixed bug in infiltration sometimes ignoring...
 LisOverlandflow2D.cpp 2019-10-14 VJ VJ [b0df06] // in wave works but strange water pileup
 README.txt 2021-03-06 vjetten vjetten [6ce913] // update 6.62
 error.cpp 2020-12-01 vjetten vjetten [a4b7be] // update all to GPLv3 and cleaning
 fixture.cpp 2020-12-01 vjetten vjetten [a4b7be] // update all to GPLv3 and cleaning
 hard.cmd 2019-09-22 Victor Jetten Victor Jetten [761ca4] //VJ 190922 merge master with last master_mc_linux
 io.cpp 2021-03-06 vjetten vjetten [6ce913] // update 6.62
 lisCellProcesses.cpp 2021-03-02 vjetten vjetten [f904b2] // fixed bug in infiltration sometimes ignoring...
 lisChannelErosion.cpp 2021-02-23 vjetten vjetten [b1d694] // SWOF erosion fully parallel
 lisChannelflood.cpp 2020-12-20 vjetten vjetten [92cf32] // fixed MBs error for new routesubstance
 lisChannelflow.cpp 2021-03-06 vjetten vjetten [6ce913] // update 6.62
 lisDataInit.cpp 2021-03-06 vjetten vjetten [6ce913] // update 6.62
 lisErosion.cpp 2021-02-28 vjetten vjetten [a4e96f] // interface icons, cleaned up cell processes code
 lisExtendedChannel.cpp 2021-02-24 vjetten vjetten [2fef1b] //erosion and floodstats output all csv and cle...
 lisFlowBarriers.cpp 2021-02-28 vjetten vjetten [a4e96f] // interface icons, cleaned up cell processes code
 lisInfiltration.cpp 2021-03-06 vjetten vjetten [6ce913] // update 6.62
 lisInterception.cpp 2021-02-14 vjetten vjetten [438572] // mapoutput to openmp, experiment with single ...
 lisKinematic.cpp 2021-02-23 vjetten vjetten [03962f] // Diagonal flow in SWOF improved, Obsolete opt...
 lisKinematic2d.cpp 2020-05-25 Victor Jetten Victor Jetten [b205a7] // copy of Bastians single loop swof
 lisModel.cpp 2021-03-06 vjetten vjetten [6ce913] // update 6.62
 lisOverlandflow.cpp 2021-02-28 vjetten vjetten [a4e96f] // interface icons, cleaned up cell processes code
 lisPesticide.cpp 2020-12-19 vjetten vjetten [f9306f] // trial: replace linked list with vector, this...
 lisRainintc.cpp 2021-02-14 vjetten vjetten [9e7d6c] // parallelisation cellprocesses abnd 1D erosion
 lisReportfile.cpp 2021-03-06 vjetten vjetten [6ce913] // update 6.62
 lisRunfile.cpp 2021-03-06 vjetten vjetten [6ce913] // update 6.62
 lisSWOF.cpp 2020-07-20 vjetten vjetten [2aa227] // swofaux g1, g2, g3 swapped!
 lisSWOF2D.cpp 2020-12-01 vjetten vjetten [a4b7be] // update all to GPLv3 and cleaning
 lisSWOF2DChannel.cpp 2021-02-28 vjetten vjetten [1ab3cb] // trial 2d channel
 lisSWOF2DSediment.cpp 2021-02-23 vjetten vjetten [b1d694] // SWOF erosion fully parallel
 lisSWOF2Daux.cpp 2021-02-23 vjetten vjetten [03962f] // Diagonal flow in SWOF improved, Obsolete opt...
 lisSWOF2Dopen.cpp 2021-02-28 vjetten vjetten [a4e96f] // interface icons, cleaned up cell processes code
 lisSWOFChannel.cpp 2021-02-21 vjetten vjetten [a20251] // optimized diagonal flow
 lisSnowmelt.cpp 2021-02-04 vjetten vjetten [465279] // replace qvector with malloc for coord
 lisSurfstor.cpp 2021-03-06 vjetten vjetten [6ce913] // update 6.62
 lisTiledrainflow.cpp 2021-02-14 vjetten vjetten [9e7d6c] // parallelisation cellprocesses abnd 1D erosion
 lisTotalsMB.cpp 2021-03-02 vjetten vjetten [f904b2] // fixed bug in infiltration sometimes ignoring...
 main.cpp 2021-02-23 vjetten vjetten [03962f] // Diagonal flow in SWOF improved, Obsolete opt...
 mmath.cpp 2015-01-30 Kor de Jong Kor de Jong [ee65bf] Busy refactoring cTMap
 openLisem.ico 2012-09-22 Victor Jetten Victor Jetten [f34985]
 openlisemico.rc 2012-09-22 Victor Jetten Victor Jetten [8e2705]
 operation.cpp 2020-10-03 vjetten vjetten [d86cc7] // LDD=5 replaced with r,c vector
 setup_msys2.0.txt 2021-03-02 vjetten vjetten [f904b2] // fixed bug in infiltration sometimes ignoring...
 ubuntu compile.txt 2021-03-02 vjetten vjetten [f904b2] // fixed bug in infiltration sometimes ignoring...

Read Me

Date: 201201

For questions contact v.g.jetten AD

NOTE: only a 64bit version exists, 32 bit is not supported
NOTE: The code since version 5.6 is compilable under linux (checked for Ubuntu)
NOTE: since version 6 it is fully parallel and developed with MSYS2.0, and openmp

version 6.61-6.63
- fixed small bug when using culverts (add rain to overland flow and not channel when culvert)
- fixed error in infiltration

version 6.5-6.6
- SWOF sediment changed fully parallel computing
- maximize parallel comnputing efficiency in all processes
- Diagonal (LDD) flow with SWOF when pit in X or Y dircetion using user defined pit threshold
- icon changes
- NOTE Swatre has not been checked for a while

version 6.2-6.4
- bug fixing in sediment
- corrections in SWOF 2.0 so that it behaves more as the old SWOF, better now
- interface changes
- checked infiltration and percolation
- further openMP related optimizations

version 6.1 BETA (warning: new dlls, do NOT mix with pre 6.0 versions)
- fixed bug in getting values from Riemann solver. This was solved before but reappeared!
- SAFEST choice for flood modelling is the SWOF without or with MUSCL. SWOF 2.0 is experimental 

version 6.0 BETA (warning: new dlls, do NOT mix with older versions)
- extensive rewriting of the code to use parallel processing with openMP
- changed compilation to MSYS so the newest versions of QT and MINGW are used
- new 2D flow process (very fast), still being tested 

version 5.97-5.98 beta
- Bug-fix: file did not show flood when choosing kinematic+dynamic flow
- flow to channel with kin V using perpendicular angle and from channel with gravity
- spurious velocities as a result of SWOF limited to sum of kinematic velocity+pressure velocity
- Advanced options for SWOF stuff
- Outlet shows numer when hovering with the mouse over it
- better dealng with highDPI screens

version 5.96
- Bug fix: flood height total in mm not reported on screen
- Bug fix: did not show all outlets as dots in map display
- Bug Fix: Initial food height ( was not activated
- Interface more consistent on 1D, 1D+ and 2D flow, flood threshold only for 2D
- Corrected help files for global options

version 5.91-5.95
- fixed: bug in 2D dyn ewave seidment: flow detachment was not working
- fixed: impermeable lower boundary was always off
- extended options and checked working of sediment traps and grass trips
- 3 flow options: 1) kin wave (no flooding); 2) kin wave and flooding from channels; 3) full dynamic wave
- river vector display can be toggled and line size adjusted

version 5.7-5.91
- fixed buggy 1d kin wave and 2d flood for sediment
- revived option kin wave only
- cosmetic and code cleaning

version 5.5-5.7
- Fixed all sediment MB errors, both simple and two phase flow (suspended and bedload) for 2D flow
- Channel displayed as vector and culverts as white dots
- colours close to QGIS palettes
Still buggy: 1D kinematic coupled to 2D flow for both water and sediment, and sediment classes

version 5.5
- Added subsurface stormdrains: kinematic wave on a subsurface LDD network ( with inlets,  diameter (pipe), mannings n, gradient
- Cleaned up everything so that it compiles under QT 5.13, QWT 6.1.4, mingw 73, revised LISEM_EXTERNAL (no fern)

version 5.4
- fixed a bug in SWATRE where the infiltration form SWATRE was not properly subtracted from the surface water layer
- Fixed a bug in Green and Ampt using Psi in the wrong units (cm vs. m)
- made the calibration for psi also count for SWATRE (this value is multiplied with the inithead maps)
- fixed a small bug where the screenshots were not in the right directory

version 5.31
- fixed a bug in SWATRE where the infiltration form SWATRE was not properly subtracted from the surface water layer
- made the calibration for psi also count for SWATRE (this value is multiplied with the inithead maps)
- fixed a small bug where the screenshots were not in the right directory

version 5.3
- Fixed a bug in percolation for a 2 layer Green and Ampt infiltration, where the percolation flux was not converted from mm/h to m/s
- Fixed a bug that prevented the kinematic wave from causing floods
- Added theta1 and theta2 to the output screens when using G&A

version 4.94-5.2
- fixed a bug in SWATRE, water level infiltration was not adjusted after infiltration
- courant values between dynamic and diffusive wave mixed up in run file
- fixed code on reporting cumulative erosion values (may need more work)
- added momentum and soil moisture to screen map display
- merged output flooding and water height parameters, they were the same anyway
- difference between runoff and flood is user choice on water level
- Interface: all ',' in the run file replaced with ';' and decimals are always read as '.'
- Interface: reset button per tab for default values and better help information
- Interface: added variables to map display
- Interface: Geotiff file can be used as background

NOTE: mass balance errors in erosion modules still possible

version 4.92-4.93
- fixed a bug in boudary conditions dynamic wave sometimes causing too much vertical flow
- fixed a coding error in erosion slowing down calculations
- some interface cleanup (Heun in dynamic wave is not useful)
- multicore remains more unstable than single core, and less accurate
- Possible bug: flood deposition can become negative and positive (only negative allowed)

version 4.91 (180119)
- fixed a bug in the screen output causing negative values of discharge and a large mass balance error. 
  Note: when you select dynamic wave flow, the flood height in mm reported is not part of the mass balance, as it is already 
  included in overland flow.

version 3.99-4.9 (180116)
- added dynamic wave for overland flow, three numerical solutions now: kinematic (using LDD), diffusive and dynamic (using DEM). 
- Flooding is always solved with a dynamic wave, channel flow is always kinematic.
- Random roughness and surface storage slightly changed to avoid bugs in the dynamic wave solution
- Multi CPU Core application for paralklel computing. If this gives problems, select only 1 core.
- small bugfixes 

version 3.97 - 3.99 (170308)
- BugFix: Calibration factor for Cohesion and Aggregate stability (they were reversed)
- BugFix: in Channel Cohesion, soil sohesion was used instead of channel cohesion
- BugFix: cleaned up litter interception, roof interception and effect of raindrums 
- BugFix: ensures that screen information, file and map output is all the same
- Added: Fixed bilinear interpolation for sediment, other options give mass balance errors
- Added: EXPERIMENTAL: an empirical factor (1-99) to increase the flow in the direction of the steepest resistance slope for diffuse overland flow. 
- Added: calibration factor for channel cohesion
- Added: if the cohesion of slopes or channels is negative, the detachment is assumed to be zero. Deposition will take place
- Added: total interception (roofs, canopy, litter, randrums) to the screen output (in mm)
- Added: the possibility to write GeoTIFF files for the main map outptu. GTiff is not georeferenced). Tif input is also automatically possible (experimental) 
- Added: small interface changes to deal with low resolution screens

version 3.96 (170211)
- Fixed a bug in coupling overland flow and flood water
- fixed a bug in automatic adjustment of legend when switching maps

version 3.95 (170214)
- Fixed a bug in flowboundary conditions
- Fixed a minor bug in 2D dynamic flow
- Added GeoTiff writing for main output maps (not timeseries)
- Added 3 missing fluxes (in mm) to report with totals

Version 2.03-3.94 (170212)
The following features are inplemented in the course of 2015 and 2016:

- Multiple catchments can be done in one simulation (limited by PC memory)
- Spatial rainfall from rainfall maps (e.g. model results or satellite images)
- 1D kinematic wave for runoff and channels based on a usr defined network
- Diffusive wave 2D runoff, uses the DEM directly (does not use the LDD which is reserved for the Kinematic wave)
- Dynamic wave shallow flooding, based on the FULLSWOF project:
- Sediment dynamics (erosion, transport, deposition) for splash, runoff, channel flow and flooding
- Flow barriers (walls) can be defined to close areas in 1-4 directions, e.g. as flood protection walls of a given hieght
- Channels can be wider than a gridcell
- Channel stationary baseflow can be added
- Sediment transport for suspended matter only, suspended matter and bedload movement, choice from different transport equations
- Sediment transport for a median grainsize class or multiple classes (based on D50-D90 or user defined)
- All fluxes are made visible as maps on screen while running, and saved to files
- Hydrographs and sedigraphs from multiple observation points and outlets can be shown onscreen while running, and saved to files

Because of diffusive runoff the range of resolutions can now be larger, LISEM is being tested from 1 cm gridcells (2 m2) to 20m gridcells (600 km2)

1) The openLISEM model 

This is the event based spatial runoff and erosion model openLISEM. Thank you 
for downloading. openLISEM simulates the spatial dynamics of surface runoff and 
erosion for catchments of 1 ha to 500 km2. It is based on the LISEM model that 
is available here: Details about the theory and dataset for 
now can be found on this website (although a bit outdated). openLISEM uses the 
freeware GIS PCRaster ( for database creation and 
analysis of the results. 

2) Terms of use 
This software is free and open source, hosted by The project 
details can be found on:

It is distributed under the GPLv3 licence, distributed with this package

Good Luck

Victor Jetten

Chair Natural Hazards and Disaster Risk Management 
Department of Earth Systems Analysis  
Faculty ITC, Twente University, 
the Netherlands 
v.g.jetten AD