
Windows "Precision Mode" fun...

  • Weedy Seadragon

    Weedy Seadragon - 2010-03-28

    Is it possible to configure Intuos4 right now in Linux this way that pressing a certain button will slow down mouse cursor movement?

  • Ping Cheng

    Ping Cheng - 2010-03-29

    If you are running linuxwacom-0.8.5-12 on Xorg 1.6 or earlier, you can change cursor movement speed from wacomcpl or by issuing "xsetwacom set $dev SpeedLevel #" (refer to for detail).  If you are running xf86-input-wacom on Xorg 1.7 or later, you'll need to use xinput to change the speed/acceleration.

  • Weedy Seadragon

    Weedy Seadragon - 2010-03-29

    And which device speed would I need to change? Stylus?

    "Wacom Intuos4 6x9 eraser" id=11
    Type is Wacom Eraser

    "Wacom Intuos4 6x9 cursor" id=12
    Type is Wacom Cursor

    "Wacom Intuos4 6x9 pad" id=13
    Type is Wacom Pad

    "Wacom Intuos4 6x9" id=14
    Type is Wacom Stylus

    Also I have a hard time imagining how that would work in absolute mode.

  • Weedy Seadragon

    Weedy Seadragon - 2010-03-29

    Using lower speed than default would  increase the drawing area - yes? (I don't remember this being possible in Windows while tablet was configured to be in absolute mode, that's why I don't get it)

    Or if you lower speed, then drawing area will shrink?

  • Ping Cheng

    Ping Cheng - 2010-03-29

    I guess there are two questions here.  the first is changing the cursor speed, which is only for relative mode.  There is no speed for absolute mode. 

    The other question is how the speed may affect the drawing area, which I do not know the answer.

    There is no "Precision Mode" on Linux yet.

  • Weedy Seadragon

    Weedy Seadragon - 2010-03-30

    In windows it shrunk the the drawing area on the screen.
    So I would need to bind a key to graphics tablet that switches mode to relative and then lower speed, however mouse mode doesn't work for me:
    any comments?


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