
#1 Upload translation files to Transifex


You can make contributing to translations far easier for users by uploading language files to Transifex (or any other online translation service) rather then just publishing them here.


  • Zachary Powell

    Zachary Powell - 2012-10-14

    While its a great idea and would help speed things up the cost to use one of these services is simply to high for us right now

  • Asking_questions

    Transifex is free for open-source projects, but if you strongly insist on not letting anyone to see Android app source (btw why?), you can set up your own Transifex instance for example in Sourceforge project web space.

  • Zachary Powell

    Zachary Powell - 2012-10-15

    I guess I looked at this and thought other wise
    But then yes I will look into it for sure.

    We dont have the apps source code up because if we did people would be able to disable the need for a donation key for the extra features, while I would love to make it all open source I do really heavily on donations and I feel alot of these would stop if the features where easy to get.

    In the future hopefully I can re think this and release the source

    • Asking_questions

      I guess I looked at this and thought other wise

      They do not advertise it clearly, but process of project registration has "Open source" checkbox, activating free access.

      In the future hopefully I can re think this and release the source

      You don't have to release source right away. GPLv2 requires only providing it on request, so you can declare your software free de-facto without sharing code with anyone ;). Also you do not have to make donation edition open-source: just split paid features into the separate branch/patchset and you are done.

      • Zachary Powell

        Zachary Powell - 2012-10-15

        Thank you when I get a chance I will look into transifex.

        Yes thats a good point.. I could provide just the source for everything in the free app, we shall talk about this further


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