
#167 Mounted drive not appearing as network attached


When mounting a remote drive I have set in fstab the
option _netdev to ensure the drive is mounted and
unmounted whilst there is a network connection.
Failure to unmount with a network connection causes a
quick stop and the system hanging.

System in question is RedHat Enterprise Linux.

On inspection I found that /etc/mtab correctly lists
the _netdev flag next to the mounted drive, but
/proc/mounts doesn't. When shutting down netfs is
called which checks the list of mounted devices in
/proc/mounts for any which are network mounts and
unmounts these, thus removing network filesystems
before the network is shutdown.

As the iSCSI mounted devices do not show a _netdev flag
they are left, leaving them to be unmounted after the
network is shutdown and hence causing a hang requiring
a physical reset of the system.

I have remedied this problem on the system in question
by changing netfs to check /etc/mtab instead of
/proc/mounts. Although I think a cleaner solution
would be if the devices showed themselves as being
network dependant devices in /proc/mounts


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