
Installation: Permission denied

  • Martin

    Martin - 2008-06-01


    After I updated my NAS to the following software:
    # Upgraded Apache: Apache is upgraded to 2.2.8.
    # Upgraded PHP: PHP is upgraded to 5.2.6.
    I get in Linpha2 (nightly built from June, 1st) the following error:

    Step 9, Databases:
    Creating Tables... ok
    Inserting Table Data... ok
    Creating Cache Directories... ok
    Creating config.dir.php File...
    Warning: fopen(../var/config.dir.php) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /volume1/web/linpha2/install/step9_createtables.php on line 123

    I have already installed oder versions of Linpha2 on my NAS (Synology 107+) several times (befor flashing the firmware), usually every went fine. After the firmware update I had the problem with Linpha2 (and also Linpha1...).
    I suspect, that some security settings were made more strict - but which?


    • Martin

      Martin - 2008-06-01


      Linpha1 works fine with the NAS configuration now, after I re-run the install.php again.

      • Anonymous

        Anonymous - 2008-06-02


        the user which is running the webserver needs write access to the folder linpha2/var

        btw. what do you think of linpha2?


    • Martin

      Martin - 2008-06-02

      Hi Flo,

      thanks for the tip - I now used a new directory, and it worked. Before I only copy & pasted the new files to my old directory. Maybe there were still some locks? Anyway...

      I am a huge supporter of Linpha. I started with linpha, and now linpha2 sets new standards! It is amazing what you are doing in your spare time. All the details, the high degree of customizing, the neat new AJAX, they all play together well. I am waiting, until Linpha2 will be completely released.

      THanks for your efforts, Martin


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