
Static link for individual images?

  • wwp

    wwp - 2008-11-25

    Hey there,

    using LinPHA 1.3.x, is there a way to get static links for individual images, like for  albums? I mean either a way for every user to get a static link from the interface, or a way to determine the static link using any computation (but SQL querying).

    • bzrudi

      bzrudi - 2008-11-25

      Hi there,

      to statically link to a single image just replace the &pn=X value in URL by imgid=X. So :





      to view a single instead of the thumbnails album view.

      cheers bzrudi

      • wwp

        wwp - 2008-11-25

        Excellent, thanks Bzrudi!

        From a user (visitor) point of view, too bad there's no Advanced Option when viewing a picture to achieve this. Would you consider this as a feature request?

    • wwp

      wwp - 2008-11-25

      Er.. BTW, this means that the imgid is static, but the albid is not?


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