

Anonymous Anthony jef2000 Cyrille Damago

This site is obsolete

Please note that the project was migrated to Github in November 2015. As of 2020, the wiki has not been fully migrated to Github yet, so you may still want to consider this one as the reference. But you should no longer retrieve source code from Sourceforge.

Welcome to WIKI for LinKnx and KnxWeb projects. Please note, that despite no new releases for several years the project is still active and production stable. In most installations it is working flawlessly today (year 2018/2019). New releases will be released as soon as there will be a need for next release.

Creating rpm packages
Compiling with OpenWRT_SDK
Compiling with Optware
Running on a Linksys WRT54GS

* [Logging_section]
* [Services_section]
* [Object_Definition_section]
* [Rules_section]
* [Condition's_Syntax]
* Action's Syntax
* [TimeSpec_Syntax]
* Evaluation of [Linknx_rules_on_startup] of the server

KnxWeb and KnxWeb2



[Is Linknx running on ... ?]


[Install_Eibd/Linknx/knxweb] (Installing knxd/eibd/knxweb/knxweb2)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Wiki: Accessing_the_KNX_bus
Wiki: Action's_syntax
Wiki: Compiling_Linknx
Wiki: Compiling_with_OpenWRT_SDK
Wiki: Compiling_with_Optware
Wiki: Condition's_Syntax
Wiki: Configuration
Wiki: Creating_rpm_packages
Wiki: Frequently_Asked_Questions
Wiki: Install_Eibd/Linknx/knxweb
Wiki: Interacting_with_Linknx
Wiki: Interesting_tools
Wiki: KnxWeb
Wiki: Linknx_on_Linksys_WRT54GS
Wiki: Linknx_rules_on_startup
Wiki: Linknx_users
Wiki: Logging_section
Wiki: Object_Definition_section
Wiki: Rules_section
Wiki: Services_section
Wiki: Setup_of_a_PogoPlug_v2_for_eibd/linknx/knxweb
Wiki: TimeSpec_Syntax