
Lincalc / News: Recent posts

BreezyCalc 1.0 Released

It's finally here. The GUI version has been released at Now, maybe some of you actually prefer the Command Line Interface, so I would like to keep development going for both of them, but only if there is demand for it. If a good improvement for LinCalc comes to mind, I'll go ahead and keep working on it without any feedback. But, if there is anything you would like to see be added/change in LinCalc, or you would just like to let me know there is still demand out there for improvements, feel free to drop an email at If not, I will most likely focus most/all my time into BreezyCalc.

Posted by Lectisoft 2012-10-04

BreezyCalc - BIG improvements are on the way

    I'd like to announce that BreezyCalc, the graphical implementation

of LinCalc, is coming together nicely. While working on BreezyCalc,

it was realized that there were definitely some things with LinCalc

that weren't quite how they should be. For one, when you define a

variable, you could only set its value to a constant number. You

couldn't, let's say, variable 'x' to the value of '5^5', or '1/2',

or 'pi'. It had to be some specific number.

... read more

Posted by Lectisoft 2012-10-03 Labels: variable non-constant expression overwrite output session log changes enhancements

Lincalc Goes Graphical - BreezyCalc

    Sure, command line applications are simple and all, they're fast too.

But the interface is dull and lacking. Not all of the features seem

readily available at the glance of an eye. It's too cryptic, having

to learn all of the commands. So we are glad to announce that we are

forking into a graphical implementation of Lincalc called 'BreezyCalc'.

... read more

Posted by Lectisoft 2012-09-23 Labels: gui windows win32 winapi controls interface breezycalc fork\

v1.1.4 SourceCode - Reduced Archive Size

It was found that the source-code archive of v1.0 was bloated,
for the amount of source-code the size (30mb+) was disproportionate.
So in the new version v1.1.4 this has been fixed, you are now looking
at a download-size of about 130kb. The problem was caused by
SQL Server database files and intellisense cache files that are not
needed in the archive.

By deleting these folders/files the size of the archive has been greatly reduced.

Posted by Lectisoft 2012-09-14 Labels: 1.1.4 source code archive size reduction

Lincalc v1.1.4 Released

Version 1.1.4 of Lincalc has been released!

This new release features the following changes:

    ~ Fixed > Simple typos in console header output.

    ~ Fixed > Buggy responses to user input while processing '$exit' command.

    ~ Fixed > Variable names could only contain a number if it was 0 or 1.

    ~ Fixed > Didn't check if variable is already defined in '$setvar' command.... read more

Posted by Lectisoft 2012-09-14 Labels: version 1.1.4 new release update