
Bringer of Light / News: Recent posts

We're still kickin'

This is just a notice for all interested parties. The project is moving forward: currently work on the entity editor for the game has been resumed. As soon as some refactoring takes place we'll start releasing tarballs.

Posted by NanoCoder 2007-11-06

BoL Next step

Due to a complete collapse in communcation, this project has been laying idle for some time. I going to put some effort into breathing some life back into it.

Any help to this end, is always welocme.

Posted by Stephen Z Turner 2007-02-02

mickshere sender

If your wonding why i haven't responded to any emails. It is because the reply is bouncing back out of your emial box.

This may be due to your spam setting, this is not the first time this has happen. Try sending another email, direct to my email box. Find my email below, also try either another email address or change your spam settings.

Posted by Stephen Z Turner 2005-07-19

New blood

I like to welcome all the new members to the team. This is going to be an exciting time, as the project is really moving fowards now.

Posted by Stephen Z Turner 2005-07-09


Some real progress has been made by our new team. Coding and story planning are going well and we now have a new artist on board.

Well done everyone!

Posted by Stephen Z Turner 2005-05-07

Member active list

All members on our list are now the current active members of this project. Each on is busy working on a different part of the project.

If you feel that you have something to add, please contact the project leader.

Posted by Stephen Z Turner 2005-03-03


I am currently re-organizationing this project. Anyone is welcome to commit on this project and the direction it will take.

Current concept is a one player game, with first person view and four different worlds from which to choose from.

Posted by Stephen Z Turner 2005-02-17

New Project Leader

Dear Members,

Chris has left the project, so banditkills has taken over as project leader at the time being. There is some discussion on merging this project with a MMORPG. I ask all members to let me know there views on this subject.

Posted by Stephen Z Turner 2005-02-10

New newsletter released!

This month we have a short newsletter. Enjoy!

Posted by Myckel Habets 2004-12-01

New newsletter has been released!

The third Bringer of Light: The Quest Newsletter has been released. You can read it on

Posted by Myckel Habets 2004-11-01

Newsletter volume 2, October 2004

We proudly announce our second Bringer of Light: The Quest Newsletter. We wish you much reading pleasure.
You can find the newsletter on:

Dan and Myckel

Posted by Myckel Habets 2004-10-01

Developer list cleaned up (artists-only)

I just finished cleaning up the list of artists in the Developers List, as announced on the maillist. The ones that are in the list should be considered active. I'll try to do my best to keep it that way.


Posted by Myckel Habets 2004-09-29

Problems with emails and replies

I have had anwsers from various people, wanting to help with this project. Most of the time, i have been able to reply. But in 3 cases, i have been unable to reply. I think this is some of the new spam filters, think that sourceforge mail is spam. At least, this is what i think is going on. So if you have applied for a position on this project, but as of yet have not received a reply. Please send a direct email to me, with your direct email address. My email is:-... read more

Posted by Stephen Z Turner 2004-05-27

New development branch

We have a new development branch for Bringer of Light. The new module is "bringeroflight". This development branch cleans up the directory structure and eliminates any potentual conflicts. We hope you enjoy the new branch.

Posted by Chris Slater 2004-04-19

Bringer of Light 1 year old.

Recently the Bringer of Light project turned one year old. I would like to thank all the developers, that have help with the project so far. For all the hard work done.

We are also working towards our first playable demo for public release. This project is known as Genesis. I hoping that this project will be completed soon.

Posted by Stephen Z Turner 2004-04-13

IRC channel

We can be found on and the channel is #bringer. Stop by if you have questions or comments about the project.

Posted by Chris Slater 2004-02-12

Three New Admins

We have Dan Hrdfeldt, Stephen Turner, and Matt Broughton as our new administrators to the project. Each administrator has a role:

Chris Slater: General assistance and guidance; "the big boss"
Dan Hrdfeldt: Lead coder
Stephen Turner: Lead writer
Matt Broughton: Lead artist

Posted by Chris Slater 2004-02-10

Preview music now available

The preview music is available in MP3 format, and if it is included in our project will be in OGG. <A HREF="">You may hear it here</A>.

Posted by Chris Slater 2003-12-19

Request for writers

One thing that our project has seriously neglected is storywriting. We would like to change this right away. We would like anyone who would think writing an RPG storyline would be fun to please apply. You don't have to be a total wizard at creative writing; just someone that can be creative in their writing.

Posted by Chris Slater 2003-11-16

Slow progress in the project.

We are looking at working on the collsion detection system mostly. Not a fun thing to impliment, and most of us are busy with things in life (college, work, broken computers, etc) that the project is moving along slowly. We'll be releasing soon-ish, and we may need to get more coders in soon if it goes to a complete standstill.

Posted by Chris Slater 2003-11-03

We need help!

Currently we are in need of good graphics people and sounds. More information can be found with our Help Wanted ads.

Posted by Chris Slater 2003-09-04

Version 0.0.1 almost ready

We have a map loaded and ready to go. Right after a few fixes and implentation we will be releasing 0.0.1. Right now if you want to get an idea of what we have been up to, just go to our website and look at the screenshots, or check out CVS.

Note that we require the development version of Crystal Space. Without it, you cannot compile Bringer of Light.

Posted by Chris Slater 2003-09-04

Progress is being made

We are slowly starting to get the ball rolling, and we're looking into getting some artists onto the team. Right now we have started on characters (both playable and NPC), enemies, and we have classes of characters written up. We're also getting a main menu up and running!

So sit back, and enjoy the ride. Better yet, if you have the time, pitch in!

Posted by Chris Slater 2003-07-01

A slight name change

It seems that a company all ready has a name for one of its expansions "Lightbringer" -- so to avoid someone sending some DMCA letter saying "Change it or else!" the name of the project shall be "Bringer of Light: The Quest".

Posted by Chris Slater 2003-04-09

The project has began

The initial CVS is up, and all the Crystal Space code is available. We have our main list (lightbringer-devel) available for anyone to post on, and help of any form is welcome.

Posted by Chris Slater 2003-04-09