
Tree [b483a0] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 .kdev4 2012-09-14 Fabian Knorr Fabian Knorr [7ceedc] Completed basic documentation.
 dproj 2012-06-25 trion7 trion7 [0e153c] Splitted repository
 include 2012-09-14 Fabian Knorr Fabian Knorr [b483a0] Added implementation for TSceneNodeAnimatorColl...
 scripts 2012-07-09 Fabian Knorr Fabian Knorr [e7b4c6] Added more documentation.
 src 2012-09-14 Fabian Knorr Fabian Knorr [b483a0] Added implementation for TSceneNodeAnimatorColl...
 userdoc 2012-06-25 trion7 trion7 [0e153c] Splitted repository
 2licht-cmake.kdev4 2012-06-25 trion7 trion7 [0e153c] Splitted repository
 CMakeLists.txt 2012-07-09 Fabian Knorr Fabian Knorr [e7b4c6] Added more documentation.
 LICENSE 2012-04-10 Fabian Knorr Fabian Knorr [7f2108] Added READMEs
 Makefile.fpc 2012-07-09 Fabian Knorr Fabian Knorr [e7b4c6] Added more documentation.
 README 2012-06-25 trion7 trion7 [0e153c] Splitted repository
 README.pascal 2012-06-25 trion7 trion7 [0e153c] Splitted repository
 TODO 2012-07-09 Fabian Knorr Fabian Knorr [e7b4c6] Added more documentation. 2012-07-09 Fabian Knorr Fabian Knorr [e7b4c6] Added more documentation. 2012-07-09 Fabian Knorr Fabian Knorr [e7b4c6] Added more documentation. 2012-07-09 Fabian Knorr Fabian Knorr [e7b4c6] Added more documentation.

Read Me

This is the Git version of 2licht (

2licht is a multi-language wrapper for the popular Irrlicht Engine
( trying to provide intuitive and well-documented 
interfaces to other object-oriented languages for both x86 and amd64 systems.

Please note that this is probably not a release version; it might still contain 
numerous bugs and inconsistencies.

In this directory, you'll find:

    - 2licht-c       The C interface source code. Required by all other language 
    - 2licht-pascal  The Pascal binding. For information about how to use it
                     in your software, please refer to the README file inside 
                     this directory.
    - 2licht-cil     The Mono/.NET runtime binding. 
2licht is developed primarily under Linux / x86_64 and uses cross-compiling for 
most of the Windows binaries. Please understand that I cannot maintain project 
files and other stuff allowing to build them natively. If you need precompiled
versions, use the ones in the release distributions.

The source code should be working under other Unices with slight modifications,
although I cannot tell whether it will be well-usable on non-x86 based 

All project files are released under the zlib/libpng license to keep 
compatibility with Irrlicht. See or
the LICENSE file for details.

A big part of the documentation text and some media files used in example 
programs were taken from the original Irrlicht distribution and are either
licensed under zlib/libpng as well, or come with extra license information
in the "media" folder.