
LibIDMEF / News: Recent posts

libidmef 1.0.3 released

A new version of libidmef has been released. The main change was the removal of exit() calls from the library.

Thanks to all contributers for sending patches!

Posted by Sandro Poppi 2009-08-30

libidmef-1.0.2 final released

After a long time I finally release version 1.0.2 which fixes quite some errors esp. segfaults.

Thanks to everyone who contributed!

Posted by Sandro Poppi 2009-02-15

libidmef-1.0.2-beta1 released

I'm happy to announce the first beta version of libidmef 1.0.2.

The major changes are:
- added additional checks for memory allocation errors in the parser
- added function libidmef_list_delete() for deleting nodes from the list
- added idmef_message.h/message.c for functions handling IDMEFmessage. Thanks to Jidong Long for pointing this out

More details can be found in the ChangeLog.

Feedback is always welcomed! ... read more

Posted by Sandro Poppi 2005-07-17

libidmef 1.0.2alpha released

We're happy to announce a new version of libidmef which is now conforming to
IDMEF draft 14. It's a complete rewrite of the previous version 0.7.3. The
major changes are:

- conforms to IDMEF draft 14
- added autogeneration feature of API
- added a SAX parser for generating the internal data representation from an
XML message (file or memory)
- added more examples
- added double linked list feature for free'ing nodes cleanly... read more

Posted by Sandro Poppi 2005-05-15

New libidmef version(s) coming soon.

There will be some new versions of libidmef coming soon.

0.7.x is entering maintenance. There will be one more release in this series, 0.7.3.

1.0.0 is currently under development. This version is almost a complete rewrite and will have a completely new API. There will be more details on 1.0.0 soon.

Posted by Adam Migus 2004-03-16