
libgbee / News: Recent posts

Version 0.3.0 released

* Added XBee-Tunnel-Daemon, which allows to tunnel UDP/IP packets through your XBee module.

* Reworked AT91/SAM7 port: removed FreeRTOS dependencies, implemented use of DMA for sending/receiving data.

* Updated XBee-Echo-Client so that it uses datagram sockets.

* Added libgbee port for Linux on MIPSel.

* Added libgbee port for MS Windows.

* Changed naming scheme of libgbee ports.

* Improved documentation generated by Doxygen.

Posted by d264 2011-04-20

Version 0.2.1 released

This release is basically the same like the 0.2.0 release, but the library and example applications are now included in the same archive.

Posted by d264 2010-08-02

Version 0.2.0 released

Version 0.2.0 is the first Alpha release of libgbee. I have added an XBee Echo Client and Server as example applications for both platforms supported by the libgbee. These example applications are published under the terms of the GNU GPL.

I have also changed the build system to use CMake, so building the library for different platforms is much easier now. Detailled build instructions can be found in the libgbee/doc folder.

Posted by d264 2010-08-01

Release 0.2.0 will be available soon

The work on release 0.2.0 is almost done. Following changes will be included:

I have changed the build system to CMake, so building the library for different platforms is much easier now. I have extended the documentation by detailed build instructions, which will also be included in the next release.

I have added example applications for both, the x86/linux and at91sam7/freertos Target platforms.

Posted by d264 2010-07-29

Notes on first pre-alpha release 0.1.0

Version 0.1.0 is the first pre-alpha release of libgbee. It just includes the lib itself plus some Doxygen-generated documentation.

However, I'm planning to do another release soon, which will include some example applications. Future releases will also include a network interface daemon for Linux systems and better documentation.

Posted by d264 2010-07-09