
lf(1) / News: Recent posts

help wanted: localized strings

If you speak a language other than English, please consider localizing the messages or documentation for lf into your language.

I designed lf to support multiple languages. Initially, it only has a little bit of French, translated with the help of Babelfish. For future releases I'd like to add more languages, and I'd like high-quality French instead of what I have now.

If you are willing to help, please email me first; I'll tell you if anyone is already working on that language. I'd hate for anyone to spend a bunch of time translating text, only to find that someone else already translated that language!... read more

Posted by Steve R. Hastings 2007-07-20

first release of lf

I have just uploaded the source code for lf version 0.7.6, the first SourceForge release of lf.

lf is a command-line tool that lists files sorted by extension. It's a nice complement to the usual ls command.

The initial release has been built and tested on an Ubuntu Linux system, but it should build and run on any POSIX system. If you are running any form of *NIX and it doesn't work for you, please let me know.... read more

Posted by Steve R. Hastings 2007-07-20