
Leadwerks Arena / News: Recent posts

New Feature - Abstracted Weapon System

Implementation of the weapon system has been finished, and while I hate to gloat, it has worked out to be pretty ingenious. The base interface, IWeapon, contains all core functions you would expect for a game weapon, and I was able to expand on that with a WeaponParams structure (basically a table housing all the parameters/variables the weapon requires).

To get the weapon working and to test it out in game, I made a little MeshShooter weapon. Primary fire shoots spheres and Secondary fire shoots cubes. Reload obviously reloaded the weapon. All the ammo, naming, and weapon description systems worked out perfectly, and there is still much room with which to expand to other weapons.... read more

Posted by Tyler Harden 2008-08-21

First Release - Uploaded Current Codebase

Hello all,

Leadwerks Arena was graciously approved on today, but a few hours ago, and I have since uploaded our current code base for Leadwerks Arena, and posted a bug report on a bug that has been plaguing us for a day or so now.

Look forward to some screenshots of maps, content, and alpha gameplay soon.

Posted by Tyler Harden 2008-08-19