
mandatory fields

  • Tremors

    Tremors - 2012-04-06

    I've gone through the docs and can't seem to find what is needed (if supported
    at all) to force the user to add all mandatory fields or non empty ones.
    is this supported or am i just blind :P

  • Tihomir Karlovic

    No, you're not blind it just never crossed my mind :-) I thik I will add the
    <required> tag to the controls in the next release. Untill then, if you can
    code, you could use a a javascript to check if all required attributes have
    been set.


  • Tihomir Karlovic

    Added <required/> tag. The funny thing is, when I started to look into it
    today I discovered that I had already defined a required field, just forgot to
    use it... :-) thanks for the reminder ;-)

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2015-09-02

      Can you please give me an example how to use the <required/> tag on a text field?
      I don't know where I should put it to make it works.

  • Tremors

    Tremors - 2012-05-03

    haha brilliant, good work btw. love how you can rename an OU without having to
    worry about the leafs like you do in phpmyadmin.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-09-02

    Can you please give me an example how to use the <required/> tag on a text field?
    I don't know where I should put it to make it works.

  • Tihomir Karlovic

    You should put it in an attribute section:



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