
Text.Regex.Lazy / News: Recent posts

Announcing initial version

Announcing : Text.Regex.Lazy (0.33)
Where :
Who : Chris Kuklewicz <>
License : BSD, except for DFAEngine.hs which is LGPL (derived from CTK light)

What: This is an alternative to Text.Regex along with some enhancements. GHC's
Text.Regex marshals the data back and forth to c-arrays to call libc and this is
far too slow (and strict). This module understands regular expression Strings
via a Parsec parser and creates an internal data structure
(Text.Regex.Lazy.Pattern). This is then transformed into a Parsec parser to
process the input String, or into a DFA table for matching against the input
String or FastPackedString. The input string is consumed lazily, so it may be
an arbitrarily long or infinite source.... read more

Posted by No one of consequence 2006-03-21