
#60 Validate Registry and JAVA_HOME

launch4j 3.8
General (39)

It may happend often that programmers are switching different versions of Java via JAVA_HOME or Path. I had a situation where the registry entry was corrupted ( indicating to a invalid path ) but the JAVA_HOME was ok, also the path. Running java from Command prompt worked.
When trying to execute the .exe generated by launch4j I got a corrupted registry message.
It would be nice if Launch4J would check all this possible installations, and do not take into consideration the corrupted one.
Also the user messages could be more intuitive:
* The current application requires Java 1.6. Your registry points to a corrupted Java path. How to proceed ? 1. Download and install a fresh copy of java from 2. Locate a java installation 3. Cancel
Also if no java was found on the computer, a similar message should show up. More options for the users are better.
* The current application requires Java 1.6. No Java 1.6 found on current machine. How to proceed ? 1. Download and install java from ? 2. Locate a java installation 3. Cancel

You can even have a button on the dialog and show the instalations you found, or debug. Take more in consideration a better feedback in case java was not found or application cannot start.

Thank you, Dragos


  • Grzegorz Kowal

    Grzegorz Kowal - 2014-03-28
    • Priority: 5 --> 9
  • Grzegorz Kowal

    Grzegorz Kowal - 2014-03-31

    Fixed, during registry search launch4j will validate the runtimes and choose among the valid ones. Of course this error still might occur if the user has only one runtime and it is corrupted or only corrupted runtimes satisfy the search.

    As for the messages you can customize them yourself in the messages tab, the Java download URL can also point to your site where you explain how to proceed and can offer additional support.

    Best regards,

  • Grzegorz Kowal

    Grzegorz Kowal - 2014-03-31
    • status: open --> closed
  • Grzegorz Kowal

    Grzegorz Kowal - 2015-05-09
    • Group: Future --> launch4j 3.8

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