
empty command line

  • George Helyar

    George Helyar - 2005-03-27

    is there any way to get data that would be displayed in cmd to display once its in an exe.. i get the javaw.exe process in the process tree but no text displayed even if i use

    log.txt remains blank, im not sure if the actual file is being run or not though but it doesnt display anything

    • Grzegorz Kowal

      Grzegorz Kowal - 2005-03-27

      If it's a console application use the console header, the redirection will also work. This can't be done using the gui header (at least with the current version of launch4j).

    • George Helyar

      George Helyar - 2005-04-08

      i tried using this config:

      header consolehead.bin
      jar HelloWorld.jar
      outfile HelloWorld.exe
      javamin 1.4.0

      but it just says

      launch4j 1.3.1 - windows native executable java application wrapper
      Copyright (C) 2004 Grzegorz Kowal
      Under the GNU Lesser General Public License

      launch4j: invalid config file: unrecognized property: header

    • Grzegorz Kowal

      Grzegorz Kowal - 2005-04-09

      gui/console headers were introduced in launch4j 1.4.0 and you are using 1.3.1 - download the latest version!



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