vichon - 2007-09-25

Hello -

Thanks for your work on this.  I have installed DAD in a test env and have a few questions.

1.  Images
I saw the post on the css files and copied to DAD.css to default3.css .  That fixed most of it but my images are still blank (get the default x).   Also, the tabs are severelly shortened so that you only see the first letter. 

2. Account in Scheduler
Your install directions state:
"First off, you will need to either create an account under which the DAD Scheduler will run or decide whose credentials DAD will use."

How do we do this?  I have a service account I want to use but am not sure how configure the Scheduler to use it.

3.  I'm not getting data and am not sure how to troubleshoot to see if the scheduler is even attempting anything.   Where do I look?

4.  Am I right in assuming this functions as a syslog server?  If so, how do I configure my facilities?

5. The alert admin screen is blank.  Is this correct?  (Same with Directory service but I believe that was asked in an earlier email)