
#34 DataTransferNaiveMbx is too small


Also, size of 16K block pool and RxDaemonMail pool


Name Send Recieved Send Send TO
Send TO
Log 793 0 0 0 0

CLI 32 32 0 0 0

NAT 13207 0 170 0 0

SocketRx 0 0 0 0 0

DTNaiveDld 816608 676234 140374 0 0

DTNaiveUld 20527 0 0 0 0

ChatRoom 13 13 0 0 0

Look 5054 4972 82 0 0

Publisher 0 0 0 0 0

RxDaemon 894586 894586 0 0 0

Upload 229 226 3 0 0

Download completed:
C:\rodi\download\symphonyos-alpha-070.iso average

Calls to start() = 2 Start() failed
= 0 Calls to notify() = 512
Send mail failed = 0 Send mail Ok
= 0 Null dld in notify = 0
Null dld in req to = 0 Null peer in req to
= 0 Null peer in req ack = 0
Request ID not found = 15 Alloc mail failed
= 0 Alloc request failed = 0
Request timeout = 211 Start session
= 3644 Start sesn max num = 2917

Start sesn msg null = 0 Start sesn tx attempt
= 708 Start sesn tx failed = 0
Start sesn no blocks = 125 Start sesn no peers
= 0 Start sesn no upstr = 2
No status in ack = 0 Data not found ack
= 0 block not found ack = 0
open stream failed = 0 wrong blc off in ack
= 0 wrong blc sz in ack = 0
strt busy peer skipd = 509 strt nack peer skipd
= 210 Sesn ID not found ack = 0
ReqAck blc not idle = 0 ReqAck bad hash
= 0 check block hash = 15
accept block hash = 157 bad block hash
= 0 Sesn failed = 15
Sessn check hash = 142 Sesn hash failed
= 0 Sesn done = 142
Sesn done hashOk = 142 DT open sesn failed
= 0 File done = 1

------------ Data transfer naive -------------
Mail alloc failed = 50930 IE Session not fnd
= 0 Session not fnd = 13
Dld Rx packets total = 629023 Dld Rx bytes total
= 671167541 Dld Tx packets total = 8184
Dld Tx bytes total = 6008086 dld sesn ok
= 142 dld sesn failed = 15
dld mail failed = 140374 dld unknown event
= 0 dld iearray failed = 0
dld DT event unkn = 0 dld DT blcksz failed
= 0 dld writefile failed = 0
dld packt bld failed = 0 dld lst chnk rx
= 148 dld bad lst chnk sz = 0
dld already got chnk = 29863 dld cs failed
= 0 dld cs ok = 629023
dld offset small = 0 dld offset large
= 0 dld t1 no data = 7893
dld t2 no data = 15 dld DT no zero bits
= 784 dld DT nzBit<zBit = 0
dld DT written bytes = 613539840

ipAddr localSessionId remoteSessionId
offset size % State <br />

Name Size Count Get Free Min
Get Free
failed failed Count
total total
Message 180 180 0 0 85
1104606 1104786
IE 540 540 0 0 445
1104606 1105146
IE_Signature 180 180 0 0 179
54282 54462
IE_Array 180 180 0 0 86
1102927 1103107
IE_Id 180 180 0 0 169
130365 130545
IE_Status 180 180 0 0 178
743 923
IE_Peer 900 900 0 0 892
1879 2779
IE_Map 900 900 0 0 889
1679 2579
IE_Block 180 180 0 0 170
1128 1308
IE_SesssionId 180 180 0 0 85
1083790 1083970
IE_ProtocolId 180 180 0 0 85
975171 975351
IE_Connection 180 180 0 0 170
937 1117
1K 180 180 0 0 180
0 180
4K 180 180 0 0 177
83271 83451
16K 180 179 3148 0 0
1037618 1034649
32K 180 180 0 0 79
3148 3328
natMail 20 20 0 0 0
84574 84594
DTNaiveMbx 94 94 50930 0 0
888003 837167
LookMail 180 180 0 0 175
5054 5234
Look RM 10000 9999 0 0 9572
15283 25282
RxDaemonMail 180 180 3055 0 0
897328 894453
dldGetDataReq 500 499 0 0 326
709 1208


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