
#138 Export Notebook does not seem to work


On aurora at r714, I go to my notebook and click Export Notebook (to HTML).
Regardless of whether I use the checkboxes or All Posts and regardless of the level number,
when Start is clicked the following happens:
The Notebook Export in Progress screen comes up.
The Start time is shows as The Unix Creation (or Big Bang) date 1st Jan 1970 00:00:00
Ths Status line is never updated.
The Export never seems to finish (if indeed it ever started).

This is a serious problem as we continually tell users and potential users that they
can save/export their data to a web server or for archive at any time.

1 Attachments


  • Tim Parkinson

    Tim Parkinson - 2014-01-21

    I just noticed that in my example I was exporting a notebook that wasn't mine.
    I repeated the exercise, this time exporting my own notebook. Same result.

  • Tim Parkinson

    Tim Parkinson - 2014-01-21
    • Group: For Review --> v2.4
  • David R Newman

    David R Newman - 2014-01-21

    There were a couple of issues causing this. One was file permissions on aurora which has been fixed. There is a suspicion that the automated update script might break this again in the future.

    The other two bugs were in the code which have been committed in r715. One of these bugs is only applicable to instances installed using the deb packages. The other was a bug with option value that should be used for "All Posts" which should be -1 rather than empty string.

  • Tim Parkinson

    Tim Parkinson - 2014-01-22

    I've tried it out on r721.
    There is some improvement but not quite good enough.
    The first time around I went to TimsELN and Exported a checkbox selection of posts 1 level.
    The start timestamp was correct and it quickly went straight to completion
    and served up a that had the right text in there
    (but no index.htm - should there be one?)
    but without any attachments (presumably because that would be 2 levels?).

    I had another go, this time all posts and 3 levels just to see what it would do.
    This time the start time was shown correctly,
    The status line was stuck at: Proc: 180(4/14)
    And the export never finished and seems to hang.

    And now I can't repeat the original export.

    So not quite right yet.

  • Tim Parkinson

    Tim Parkinson - 2014-01-22

    The export is only intermittently successful.
    The Status line is meaningless to a user.
    There is no reason shown for failure (if export does indeed fail).

  • Tim Parkinson

    Tim Parkinson - 2014-01-22

    Dave and and I just agreed that the lack of an index page for an export is not a bug.

  • Tim Parkinson

    Tim Parkinson - 2014-03-14

    However, if I Export All Posts, then an index.html file is generated but it has no significant content.
    That isn't right.
    If an index file is created then it should contain a list of posts.

  • Tim Parkinson

    Tim Parkinson - 2014-03-14

    That last test was using my Aurora notebook Trying Stuff Out which has no attachments.
    When I try to export all posts in Tim's ELN however which has both photos and ChemSpider attachments (whether Exporting All or Exporting a Checkbox Selection that contains image attachments but not Chemspider) then the Export starts but does not finish (at least within reasonable time).

  • Tim Parkinson

    Tim Parkinson - 2014-03-14

    If however I Export from Tim's ELN but select a single entry Table (that has no attachments) from the dropdown or checkbox then the export succeeds. This time there is an index.html generated but the content is half missing - the table is not rendered (and not present?).

  • Tim Parkinson

    Tim Parkinson - 2014-03-14

    If I Export a single post that contains a LaTex equation then the same happens. There is an index.html which does actually list the title of the entry but the entry does not display the LaTeX equation.

  • Tim Parkinson

    Tim Parkinson - 2014-03-14

    If I export Tim's ELN but only the post called Attachments Test then the export completes and the zip file contains data files but they seem to be random junk. The photo has the right name but cannot be viewed from either the the link on the referring page or on its own (Windows photo viewer says it's corrupt). Oh, and the referring page (the entry that I exported) does not have the correct content.

  • Tim Parkinson

    Tim Parkinson - 2014-07-31

    r838 fixed the regression that stopped Export listing the entries or checkboxes.

  • Tim Parkinson

    Tim Parkinson - 2014-07-31

    However if you go to Tim's ELN in Aurora and export the entry called Elegance then the LaTeX figure is not correctly exported. There seems to be a small one-line image but the equation is not visible. This is true whether I export top-level only (no-follow) or follow recursively (follow all).

    Not quite right.
    And what happens to code fragments?....

  • Tim Parkinson

    Tim Parkinson - 2014-07-31

    Code fragments and image attachments are still correctly exported.
    Chemspider images are exported.
    But ChemSpider 3D drawings do not seem to export.

  • David R Newman

    David R Newman - 2014-08-03
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
  • David R Newman

    David R Newman - 2014-08-03

    ChemSpider 3D images are reliant on an external javascript and css libraries. It may be possible to get this working but it will be a significant task to get this working, so that it is not dependent on being online to view the 3D images. I will create this as a task for 2.5.

    Otherwise, I am closing the ticket.


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