
CVS and packaged version differences

  • Gianfranco Berardi

    I noticed that CVS does not have tinyxml in the root directory next to grinliz and kyra.  I also noticed that grinliz only has one file in CVS, whereas the packaged version I last downloaded had a number of files.

    Does packaging involve including these other projects into a single tarball?  Is there a way a person downloading the Kyra source from CVS can just take it and build without having to go find these other source files? 

    I ask because I am taking the time to learn autotools, and I am trying to setup a proper configure script to allow for shared library support.  I just ran into the problem that a source file in the engine couldn't find tinyxml files, which seemed strange to me until I learned that they didn't exist in CVS. 

    Also, what is the capital Kyra directory for?

    • Lee Thomason

      Lee Thomason - 2006-12-03

      "tinyxml" is a completely separate project on souceforge - and has to be sync'd to separately.

      "grinliz" should have lots of files - and does when I checked it out...perhaps the wrong syntax in CVS? It's from the "kyra" project with the "grinliz" modulename.

      Packaging involves bringing in TinyXML, kyra/kyra, and kyra/grinliz. It's a simple python script, but not trivial. You do need to sync everything and run the script.

      Capital "Kyra" was an error when I set up the project, and I don't know how to remove it.


    • Lee Thomason

      Lee Thomason - 2006-12-03

      ...and if you get the autotools working again, that would be useful. One reason I haven't been releasing new versions is because I don't have a linux box anymore. I've switch to using Mac and Win machines.

      autotools that worked on Mac and Linux would help get this project moving forward again.



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