
Kwalify / News: Recent posts

[ANN] Kwalify 0.7.1 released

.: Release 0.7.1 (2008-01-28)

.* bugfix:

.- 'Duplicated key' error is now not raised if corresponding rule
has 'default:' constraint.

.- Path is now copied in Kwalify::ValidationError#initialize()

Posted by Kuwata Makoto 2008-01-28

[ANN] Kwalify 0.7.0 released

I have released Kwalify 0.7.0.

Kwalify is an integrated tool for YAML and JSON.
Kwalify contains parser, schema validator, and data binding tool.

This release has many enhancements and changes.
for details.

From this release, Kwalify supports data binding.
If you specify class name in schema definition, Kwalify parses YAML/JSON
and create instance object of that class instead of Hash object.
Data binding makes handling YAML easier.... read more

Posted by Kuwata Makoto 2008-01-28

[ANN] Kwalify 0.6.0 - a schema validator for YAML and JSON

I have released Kwalify-ruby 0.6.0.

Kwalify is a schema validator for YAML and JSON.

Changes from 0.5.1:
* Kwalify now supports simple Object-YAML mapping.
It means that Kwalify generates class definition
from schema definition file, and bind YAML document
to instance object of that class.


address-book.yaml : data file

- name: family
desc: my family... read more

Posted by Kuwata Makoto 2006-05-31

[ANN] Kwalify 0.5.1 released (for Ruby and Java)

Kwalify 0.5.1 for Ruby and Java are released.

Changes from 0.5.0:
* Enhances:
- add new command-line option '-E' which show errors in emacs-compatible style.


Posted by Kuwata Makoto 2005-12-20

[ANN] Kwalify 0.5.0 released

Kwalify 0.5.0 released.

Changes from 0.4.1

.* Enhances:
.- Meta-validation check for 'max < min', 'max-ex <= min-ex', and so on.
.- Many test-cases are added
.* Changes:
.- 'Parser' class is renamed to 'YamlParser'
.- 'PlainParser' class is renamed to 'PlainYamlParser'
.- YamlParser#set_error_linenums() is renamed to set_errors_linenum()
.- ValidatorError#<=> added
.- ParseError class is renamed to YamlSyntaxError... read more

Posted by Kuwata Makoto 2005-12-17

[ANN] Kwalify 0.4.0 released

I have released Kwalify 0.3.0.

Kwalify is a tiny schema validator for YAML document.
It is small and in fact poor than Relax NG or XML Schema,
but it is very useful for YAML user.

Kwalify is implemented in Ruby. You need Ruby 1.8 or
later to use Kwalify.

* Enhancements in 0.4.0
- New command-line option '-l' which prints error line numbers.
- Support default rule of mapping with '='.
See: read more

Posted by Kuwata Makoto 2005-10-25

[ANN] Kwalify 0.3.0 released


I have released Kwalify 0.3.0.

Kwalify is a tiny schema validator for YAML document.
It is small and in fact poor than Relax NG or XML Schema,
but it is very useful for YAML user.

Kwalify is implemented in Ruby. You need Ruby 1.8 or
later to use Kwalify.

* Enhancements in 0.3.0
- Support 'max-ex' and 'min-ex' (max/min exclusive) support with 'range:'
- Support 'max-ex' and 'min-ex' (max/min exclusive) support with 'length:'
- Support 'unique' constraint... read more

Posted by Kuwata Makoto 2005-10-04

[ANN] Kwalify 0.2.0 released


I have released Kwalify 0.2.0.

Kwalify is a tiny schema validator for YAML document.
It is small and in fact poor than Relax NG or XML Schema,
but it is very useful for YAML user.

Kwalify is implemented in Ruby. You need Ruby 1.8 or
later to use Kwalify.

* Enhancements in 0.2.0
- New type 'scalar' and 'timestamp' added
- Add new rule 'range:' which validates value range.
See users' guide for details.
- Add new rule 'length:' which validate length of string value.
See users' guide for details.
- Add experimental rule 'assert:' which validates value with an
expression. See users' guide for details.
- New method 'Kwalify::Validator#validate_hook()' is added.
This method is called by Kwalify::Validator#validate().
See users' guide for details.
- New class 'MetaValidator' added.
- New test script 'test/test-metavalidator.rb' added.... read more

Posted by Kuwata Makoto 2005-09-25

[ANN] kwalify 0.1.0 release

I'm pleased to announce the release of Kwalify 0.1.0

Kwalify is a tiny schema validator for YAML document.

YAML is a simple and nice format for structured data
and easier for human to read and write than XML.
But there have been no schema for YAML such as RelaxNG
or DTD. Kwalify gets over this situation.

It is in fact that Kwalify is very poor compared to
Relax NG or DTD.
I hope you extend/customize Kwalify for your own way.... read more

Posted by Kuwata Makoto 2005-08-01