
KTH TimeTable / News: Recent posts

Release: 2.7

I forgot to post this news item when releasing 2.7 the other day. Anyhow, it's out... Fixes some Daisy stuff.

Posted by Christian 2005-02-13

Release: 2.6

This release fixes several bugs.

Posted by Christian 2005-01-30

Release: 2.5

Here's 2.5. As usual there have been changes in the TimeEdit system and this version handles this. Some performance fixes as well.

Posted by Christian 2005-01-23

Release: 2.4

2.4 is now officially released. There is, however, an issue with TimeEdit courses that was unknown when this version was finished earlier this week. This will be resolved within a few days.

Posted by Christian 2005-01-20

2.4 delayed

The next release, 2.4, with a few crucial bug fixes, is delayed because the SourceForge upload server has run out of disk space... As soon as this is resolved I will release 2.4.

Posted by Christian 2005-01-16

Bugfix in 2.3.1

Just after releasing 2.3 a minor, but serious bug was found. Daisy isn't consistent in how courses are exported, but this fixes yet another one of its quirks.

Note: The Windows binary file for this version is not the complete program, but instead a replacement "" for the one from 2.3. Read the release notes for more details.

Posted by Christian 2005-01-04

Release: 2.3

Fixes some serious issues with 2.2, e.g. handling of the changes to TimeEdit.

Posted by Christian 2005-01-04

Release: 2.2

The first English version of the program is now released. (There is still the option to use Swedish instead.) The most notable change is the new ability to change the settings from the GUI.

Posted by Christian 2004-12-30

Release: 2.1

Den strsta enskilda uppgraderingen sedan den frsta 2.0-betan. Bland det viktigaste r att ingen inloggning krvs fr att hmta schema frn Daisy. Programmet r nu ocks helt kompatibelt med wxPython 2.5 (samt 2.4) och anvnder Unicode-strngar.

Posted by Christian 2004-11-20

2.0 Windowsbinr

Wilhelm har nu skapat en binrfil fr Windows. Jag kan inte bekrfta att den fungerar.

Posted by Christian 2004-10-07

wxPython 2.5

Jag har precis insett att programmet inte r kompatibelt med wxPython 2.5. Problemet kommer tgrdas inom kort -- anvnd 2.4 till dess. (Tack Wilhelm.)

Posted by Christian 2004-10-07

Release: 2.0

Programmet som tidigare kallades Schemakoll heter nu KTH TimeTable och har flyttat in p SourceForge. Den frsta stabila versionen slpps samtidigt, version 2.0.

Framver hoppas jag kunna verstta programmet till engelska fr utbytesstudenterna. Om du vill hjlpa till med detta, kontakta mig!

Posted by Christian 2004-09-30