
KTeXShell / News: Recent posts

KTeXShell for KDE2 is out

After a long time the KDE2 version of KTeXShell is now available. The main conversion work was done by Georg Baum, many thanks to him!

Posted by Arnd Fischer 2001-03-23

New RPM's available

Rex Dieter kindly made new RPM's of KTeXShell available. These are the source RPM version 0.2.3p2 (new) and the binary RPM version 0.2.3p2 (updated).

Posted by Arnd Fischer 2000-10-24

RedHat binary RPM available

Rex Dieter from the University Nebraska Lincoln provided a binary RedHat RPM of KTeXShell, which is now available for download in the files section.
Many thanks to Rex!

Posted by Arnd Fischer 2000-10-19

Bugfix release available

The KTeXShell version 0.2.3p2 was published today.
This is a bugfix release that fixes compilation errors on some
egcs systems.
Thanks especially to Ben Bauer!

Posted by Arnd Fischer 2000-10-18

Initial version of KTeXShell released

The initial version of KTeXShell is out totay.
Enjoy it!

Posted by Arnd Fischer 2000-10-17