
#25 Add support for other compilers


I use ARM compilation tools and have to hack the error and warning RegEx to:

define RE_FILE_LINE \

"\"?((?:\\/)?(?:"PATH_ELEM"\\/)*"PATH_ELEM")?\"?(?:, line |:)([0-9]+)(:[0-9]+)?: (.*)"

I'm not sure that adding to the RegEx is scalable for all compilers though.


  • Elad Lahav

    Elad Lahav - 2007-08-23

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    I knew this would come up eventually...
    The make dialogue started as a simple hack for myself, and found its way to the main branch... I was hoping to get some more feedback during the alpha releases, but since no one complained about it, the current implementation just remained as it is.
    What would you consider as a good solution? Would having the regular expression configurable on a per-project basis suffice?


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I don't have a good suggestion. I think a regexp dialogue would be confusing for many users, for whom only basic regexps are decipherable.

    I can think of two possibilities. Either survey all the compilers likely to be used and see if one regexp can do the job, else add a dialogue that allows you to select a predefined regexp per project, selectable by tool chain name (hidden pattern). The last would allow the regexps to be kept separate from each other and allow for knowledgeable users to submit new patterns to be included in the code without considering or impacting other tools chain's patterns. I'm not sure what would prompt a user to do that though...

    Maybe the latter is what you where suggesting anyway - I wasn't sure.

    It might be interesting to note that kdevelop seems to work for ARM tools out of the box. I haven't looked at their code (and the damn thing eats all my memory).

    BTW the regexp I submitted above should work for both gcc and ARM tool chains, if I didn't make that clear. I didn't do extensive testing with gcc though :-)


  • Elad Lahav

    Elad Lahav - 2007-08-30

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Sorry, I didn't realise the suggested RegEx should work with both GCC and the ARM toolchain. I'll inspect it more thoroughly.
    Anyway, I guess a good solution would be to have these expressions in text files, and then the Make dialogue can display a list of these to choose from. This will give both flexibility and the ability to modify the expressions without recompiling the code.



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