
#7 unable to parse time - HP-UX / cpu output

parser (12)

I\'ve been attempting to use ksar to graph CPU utilization output and receive \'unable to parse time\' errors with the attached output file. Disk output seems to work without error. I\'ve tried tweaking the output file but can\'t find what it\'s getting hung up on.


  • Jeff

    Jeff - 2010-09-16

    cpu sar output hp-ux

  • Jeff

    Jeff - 2010-09-16
    • priority: 5 --> 8
  • Alexandre Cherif

    • assigned_to: nobody --> xcherif
    • status: open --> pending
  • Alexandre Cherif


    there was two problem with your file, first i didn't known that HP-UX can show "by processor" cpu utilization. Second you output seems to be broken the file start a 15:24 (on 30 august) and go to somedays after to midnight (you got many time 15:24 time on your file). the second problem lead to a weird graph that don't reflect cpu utilization.


  • Jeff

    Jeff - 2010-09-24

    In response to the comment regarding HP-UX showing by-processor utilization, is it feasible to either A) get a version of ksar built that can graph multiple CPU's, or B) edit the file in such a way (i.e. remove by-cpu data and leave the summary) so that ksar can graph the output?

    As far as the times are concerned, the data collection period for this file did exceed 24 hours, so that's why there is multiple instances of a specific time period. This can be removed and fed into ksar as a separate file for graphing purposes, since there isn't a date stamp in the file indicating when a new day begins.

    I'd like to be able to use ksar to graph my HP-UX sar CPU data, but the multiple CPU listings appear to be the only thing preventing it. For the short term, if you can provide any feedback as to how I might manipulate the input file to get valid graph output, that would work wonders if modifying the source/binaries isn't feasible.


  • Jeff

    Jeff - 2010-09-24
    • status: pending --> open
  • Alexandre Cherif


    the current SVN should be able to parse the HPUX output (not the current beta). either wait juste a couple of day so i finish the part to be in the next beta or downoad the SVN.


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