
adding a image (jpeg) as recipe instructions?

  • zeltak

    zeltak - 2006-10-10

    im both a new linux user and krecipes user and i love krecipes!! one question though :) I have loads (over 1000) recipes i have on paper and i have scanned most of them. i dont want to enter each one manually into krecipes so im trying to figure out if there is an option to just create a recipe name and attach an image-like an email image (not as recipe picture) so that when i open a specific recipe i can double click an attachment and open it in krita or any other image viewer. is that possible today? if not is there anychance to implement it in the future? i would love to know before i spend days upon days entering my old recipes :)

    thx alot for this really awesome software!


    • Jason Kivlighn

      Jason Kivlighn - 2007-09-11

      Sorry the the slow response, but unfortunately there's no plans to offer anything like this in the near future.  Thanks for the compliments, though :-)


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