
8 Kingdoms mod

  • Anton Zalko

    Anton Zalko - 2010-09-30

    Hello guys,

    I dont know where to post this thread… the forum is alittle bit unstructured.
    I would like you to look at this PM: Me=>Admin


        I live in Germany and was born i Russia.
        Im a desing student in Frankfurt.

        In our studies we focus now on 3D modelling. Today was a shiny day and i was trolling around the internet and relax a little bit.
        I was searching a game to play. My problem is that i cant play games longer than a week, dont know why.
        Because of this fact i played a lot of games, and seen a lot.
        The best game i ever played (dawn of war 2) i played it a month. and this one was really good.
        and this long term game is good too

        Now you think WTF? want this boy??? :mrgreen:

        I would like to help to develope 8 kingdoms.

        i see that you are not really active with your project, maybe i can help you with your motivation.
        i would focus on 3d models for the units, but had no problem with creating images, GUI, trailers or what ever.
        some years ago i worked a little bit for Battle for Wesnoth … &start=345
        (the animation for the wargs(=dogs))
        but was later really disappointed about the "tactical deep" of the game
        hope 8 kingdoms will be something good.

        so my condition for our teamwork:

        - 8K should be not a "another" game on the internet.
        - innovation in tactical deep
        - you tell me what you want i will make it.
        - i will not spend days with creating concept art (waste of time, just send me screenshoot of other games)
        - im not a fan of "minimal"/"greek"-designs.
        - im not a fan of "comic"-design like World of Warcraft.
        - i hope 8K is not dead :?:
        - will spend a lot of time for 8K :!:
        - will create high quality work for 8K
        - have bad english skills :oops:
        - you give me a frame and in this frame i will have !freedom! for design


        what are your conditions????

        hope for a reply


    after this, we talk a lot about game development,
    Im not the guy for "medieval"-desing (sorry), so i told him that i will create some kind of sci-fi/fantasy-units.
    But now i recognice that i would "destroy" the 8 Kingoms project. So i decided to create some kind of a "Mod" for the 8 Kingdoms.
    Maybe it will be one day a stand-alone-game.

    Why I choose to start a Mod?

    I feel there is a lack of sci-fi turn based open source games, so i would like to "expand" the list of open source games and help to be open-source-culture even better as it already is.

    And 8 Kingoms Engine provides the power to do it!
    Maybe the Engine will be in the future like the Engine for turnbased games? Maybe!

    So i would like to encourage every coder and developer of 8 Kindoms to continue his work, because if you develope 8 Kingdoms you develope

    8000 - the battle for the open source.

    greetz Anton

  • Greg*

    Greg* - 2010-10-11

    after this, we talk a lot about game development,
    Im not the guy for "medieval"-desing (sorry), so i told him that i will create some kind of sci-fi/fantasy-units.
    But now i recognice that i would "destroy" the 8 Kingoms project. So i decided to create some kind of a "Mod" for the 8 Kingdoms.
    Maybe it will be one day a stand-alone-game.

    Why I choose to start a Mod?

    I feel there is a lack of sci-fi turn based open source games, so i would like to "expand" the list of open source games and help to be open-source-culture even better as it already is.

    And 8 Kingoms Engine provides the power to do it!
    Maybe the Engine will be in the future like the Engine for turnbased games? Maybe!

    So i would like to encourage every coder and developer of 8 Kindoms to continue his work, because if you develope 8 Kingdoms you develope

    8000 - the battle for the open source.

    Instead of supporting the project, your actually doing the opposite. By forking a project which is far from mature, you're tearing its small community apart.

    Moreover I already told you that a scifi version is not an issue, that we aren't especially willing to stick with the medieval theme.

    At last but definitely not least I really don't like you using the name eightk : we already refer to 8 Kingdoms as either 8k or 8K. and yours is way to close. Even if we don't own any trademarks nor copyrights, your name is to introduce a confusion.

    If you decide to create a mod even though I told you we could use your skills, please change the name, we'd appreciate it :)


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hello. I think there might be a misunderstanding. Please see

  • Greg*

    Greg* - 2010-10-12

    Forks are healthy. He's taking it the wrong way. The only valid point he has is about the name, but even then I don't think that 8000 or eightk is that confusing with 8kingdoms.

    Forks are healthy only if the base project is mature enough itself, otherwise it's a waste of time and resources.
    I already told Anton we wouldn't like especially to stick with the medieval theme.

    We have issues finding good artists and now that someone is actually interested in, he's slipping away :p because of a theme-related thing which, I repeat, we actually don't mind.

    8000 is not confusing as long as it's refered to as eight thousand but eightk is since some websites and users already mention 8 kingdoms as 8k.

    For the sake of both projects, I strongly believe it's a lot better if we work together on the same project, making 8k a new strong and solid reference in the opensource RTS :)

  • Anton Zalko

    Anton Zalko - 2010-10-12

    Instead of supporting the project, your actually doing the opposite. By forking a project which is far from mature, you're tearing its small community apart.

    Hmm, maybe i was …..
    I mean….
    There was a good bunch of code for 8 Kingdoms commited. But there was never a Release of a new version, "Release Often, Release Early" is one of open source mottoes.
    Yes, im in a "OpenSourceHype" but I think this is the better way to manage a project….

    And like i said:

    So i would like to encourage every coder and developer of 8 Kindoms to continue his work, because if you develope 8 Kingdoms you develope 8000 - the battle for the open source.

    So YOU provide the engine, and i just use them. … ok i have some code problems, but i would really apreciate it if the "main-development" would be on the 8 Kingdoms project…

    AND it isnt really a problem for me to involve my work into your project ;)… really.
    I just have to post every post from my forum into yours ;) that is it.

    It wasnt just a brainstorm. My intenion was to create a strong connection between this two projects…

    ;) and it isnt a RTS(real-time-strategy) its a TBS.

    And if you really dont mind of the Style of the game, so pls show some enthusiasm to your project!!!
    Maybe you could start to create a structure in the forums.

    Best Regards Anton


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